• chapter nine (1)

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charms. you'd think it would be fun. well your wrong, addy had spent years practically doing accidental magic more interesting then floating feathers. hermione on the other hand was sat there acting as if she was watching quidditch for the first time. the girl had eyes as wide as plates with her mouth hung open like ron when it's sunday dinner night. she had her hand on her book, finger tracing the words, while her other hand was practicing the movement over and over again. ron was half asleep, droll rolling out of his mouth onto his scrappy books which had been flicked onto the middle pages to make it seem  as if he was reading the pages you would only notice he wasn't if you weren't less then a foot away. harry was staying at something ,correction someone, addy. he was sat in his chair awestrook by the girl twirling her hair around with her fingers while lips clicked together silently continuously. her eyes dancing with boredom and her eyebrows furrowed together as if she concentrated hard enough the clock would skip 1 hour and she'd be let out of class.

"your going to poke someone's eye out besides your saying it wrong is leviosaaa not leviosaarrr"

"honestly hermione give him a rest i'm sure he's just not that interested or even trying for that matter" ignoring addys comment she went on to teach ron grabbing his hand harshly doing the movement for him

"if your so clever you do it then eh?" ron spat out at the bossy girl. rolling her eyes with a satisfied smile attached to her face she coughed slightly clearing her already clear throat ,for dramatic effect, she repeated the phrase and movement successful floating her feather. she turned to ron with a smirk on her face which made him want to rip it off. flitwick came over praised hermione, angering ron more. announcing the lessons over, addy and ron ran out of the classroom harry rushing after then along with a few of the other boys they share a dorm with

"here addykins let me" harry reached out and grabbed her bag of her shoulder adding it to his

"thanks harold" she muttered quietly hoping to go unnoticed but by the grin attached to harry face it didn't

"your welcome addykins"

"she's a nightmare honestly. it's leviosaaa not leviossarrrr, no wonder she has no friends" addy heard ron said cockly before hermione rushed past him bumping shoulders with the now guilty looking ron.

"honestly ron you really are great with women aren't you. as annoying as she can be, she's quite nice once you get to know her so i suggest you keep your opinion to yourself next time before it turns to someone who won't run off but will hit you back physically not verbally" addy scowled walking off to find hermione. she ran around corner to corner looking for hermione only to find her in the girls bathroom inside a stall crying her eyes out. "hermione is that you" she asked already knowing the answer

"come to have a go at my like your brother, did he not say it all or something" she sobbed

"of course not i'm not that mean, well not always atleast, not the point though. what ron said was horrid and uncalled for and i won't say it's not quite frustrating when you correct him but i can live with it so can he. as his twin i can basically feel his guilt rushing through me at this minute but i know he's to proud and suborn to admit you were right which is why he insulted you" addy softly said "and besides we're friends aren't we, well in a twisted, ignoring certain comments made to each other way"


"really hermione" unlocking the door she hugged addy like sisters rolling on their feet back and forth. "not to ruin the moment hermione but your eyes are just painful looking at" laughing at addys comment she ran back to the cubical and sat on the toilet seat allowing addy to dab her eyes and cast a flushing spell to her eyes to conceal the blotchy, redness.

"and done" addy said kissing hermiones head once she finished the spell "beautiful eyes again"

"thank you addy really you didn't have to-" stopping mid-sentence seeing the ugly troll behind her new friends

"wow hermione i know you can see better now but no need to get speechless over me" hermione laughed awkward gesturing her head to the beast ,who hasn't noticed them yet, walking to the stall turning the taps resulting in one flicking it in the eye

"oh shitting hell" addy breathed catching the trolls attention "merlin sake addy you dipshit, what were you thinking talking out loud" addy said hitting her head.

"hermione, addy move" ron shouted. the troll hit the wood sending addy and hermione across the stall hitting the back hard against the wall. standing up addy scrunched her head in pain only now noticing the shards of glass stool into her arm from the mirror pieces on the floor ( not me thinking bout twilight but if you know that scene, it's like how bellas arm was excluding the vampire venom thingy )

"addykins are you okay" nodding she ran to hermione ignoring the pain shooting through her body. she helped her up as the troll took another swing at them. pushing hermione out the way she took fullblast of the club hitting her head against the bathroom wall loosing consciousness. harry, ron and hermione fought the troll and ran to addy cradling her body as if she'd disappear. teacher after teacher appeared in the dorm screeching at them for there choices each word going through one ear and out the other only concentrating on addy. hermione lied about how everything happened which caused harry and ron to smile to themselves adding hermione to their trio group. snape came forward carrying addy to the hospital wing while hermione, harry and ron were sent to bed.

everyone was sleeping soundly on that night except addelaine issabella weasley. why you ask, well because her nightmares. talk about a break this girl gets hit by a troll and still ends up having a 'sleep talking session'. her bones snapping in and out of place as done many times before, sweat dripping of her body. blood dripping down her mouth

"look different way but in the same place, oppersit directions yet walk in the same way, mirrored body but different head, surviving off unicorn blood to live he seeks the chosen one and the other, the myths he's been fed say the other who seeks the future, he seeks the girl with vision, the girl like me, me, he seeks me" addy screamed in latin (google translate did me dirty and isn't letting me copy and paste, not like you'd understand latin anyway hehe). no one came , yet some heard, only dumbledore and madam pomprey. madam sat in her seat with dumbledore behind her studying the girl as she slowed down her actions calming her body as she snapped back in place

"he's back and he's after them both and now we know. she's crucial to this plan, to kill him she's needed" dumbledore stated

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