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Hey guys so there is is tag going on around booktube and I tout why not bring it to wattpad because this tag is soo much fun to do so I thought why not do it! And as you might have guessed this tag is called the Taylor Swift book tag. ...sooo let's get started!!!

So basically your given a bunch of T-Swift  songs and each song has a book related question with it and you have to associate the book of your choice  with the particular question, it might sound a bit confusing now. ..but you get the hang of it. Now I want all of you guys reading this to play this game with me and tell me the books which you choose in the comments! !!don't forget to do that because if you don't then we can't compare answers and that would not be fun!! Ok so let's gooooo! !

1) We are never getting back to gather - pick a book which you were pretty sure you were in love with but you couldn't help but break up with- ookkk I'm in love with all the books I've read but I don't think I could break up with anyone of them....

2)Red -  pick a book with  a red cover -   ok for this I am choosing the house of hates by Rick Riordan  (UK version)because duh...It has a red cover.

3) The best day -  pick  book which makes you feel nostalgic -   i started reading at a very young age  age and the first books which I used to read and still do to this day  are the Enid Blyton books ...I have read all her books and she is the one who actually got me into reading in the first place,her writing was sooo much fun and was soooo interesting! !!!I mean you try to get the attention of a seven year old!she was amazing, so basically any book written by her makes me fell nostalgic!namely the famous five serious,the enchanted woods series,the adventure series ahhh my favourites!

4) Love story -  pick a book with forbidden love  -  twilight, it doesn't get more forbidden than that.

5) I knew you were trouble  - pick a bad character in a book whom you couldn't help but love - for this one I'm going to choose Draco Malfoy,  I mean he is a typical bully but the guy has a tough life and has been through sooo much ....give him a break guys!!I love him!!

6) Everything has changed - pick a character in has book who has gone through extensive character development  - for this I think the obvious choice goes to Nice -di- Angelo,  omg how can I explain this guy ,one minute he is a happy twelve year old playing mythomagic and the next minute he is taking g the Athena pantheons to camp half blood...This guy has been through soo much, I mean it takes guts to admit who he is and be himself....I bow down to you nico!

7) Innocent -  pick a book which someone ruined the ending for - Allegiant  guys....After getting spoiled I cried for days and still have not finished the book.

8) You belong with me -  you most anticipated book release - I think that would be Magnus Chase and the God's of Azgaurd -the sword of summer,it's written by Rick Riordan and I sooo excited for it!It's Comming out this October!

9) come back, stay here - pick a book which you would never lend out for fear of missing it too much - guys as a rule I DO NOT LEND OUT MY BOOKS!!! I have made that mistake before...I always get my book back in bad condition and I cannot bear that!!!so my book stay stay stay with me all the time! (See what I did there stay stay stay, did you get it??huh huh??

10)Tear drops on my guitar -pi know a book which made you cry a lot -I think the last olympian made me cry,the blood of olympus,and mokinjay had me in hysterics, also the order of the phoenix, half blood prince and deathly hallows.

11) shake it off- pick a book which you love no matter what the haters say -  one word guys. ..the divergent series.


Okk guys this was the Taylor Swift tag ,I hope you had fun  reading it and now it's your turn,do the tag in the comments and we can fangirl later!! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ! ! -saucegirl

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