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Hiiiii guys!,I know you must be getting really annoyed by my late updates sooo I am really sorry!,the thing is that I had to go to my grandma's place and to be honest the Internet connection over their is not great,soo I couldn't upload anything!,SORRY  again!

Ok,so in the previous chapter,I came to know about a few of my followers and as promised,I m going to tell you a little bit about myself.

1) I am five foot four and a half inches and the .5 inches is really important.

2)I live in India

3) I have a little brother who is really annoying....but I wouldn't change the world for him.

4) I love dogs,I mean they are soooooooooo adorable,I have three dogs, two live with my grandpa,and I have one puppy spotty.

5)I absolutely hate cats,I can't even explain how much I dislike them,they are just evil,PURE EVIL!

6)As you may all know I lloovee one direction and five seconds of summer with all my might.

7)I cannot live without books!I simply have to be reading something all of the time!

8)I have an unexplainable love for pineapples, and watermelons.

9)I love the colour white,and umm, neon green,and neutral shades.

10)I hate pink (the colour)

Ok guys!here are ten facts about me,I will be posting a second chapter on this,and if you have any questions related to this than tell me in the comments!-saucegirl

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