Deliora's attack

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*flashback* (deliora's attack)

(y/n) and her little brother grey fullbuster were in their village playing in the park as siblings do when they both heard a loud scream and saw a big explosion. Grey might not have been as small as he used to be after all he is 10 but as an older sister you had to protect him at all costs. You hadn't told grey or the rest of your family yet but you had secretly been taught magic by someone really powerful.

You told grey to go back to the house and find your parents while you went to check out the explosion. You had to hide the worry on your face until grey left to go home.

While (y/n) was running she could feel sweat running down the side of her face, she couldn't tell if it was because of the running or because she was scared, she said to herself "it doesn't matter! I need to get to the explosion."

(y/n) finally reached the explosion site but by the time she got there she already saw three more explosions. In the distance (y/n) could see something but it was so big she couldn't make out what it could possibly be. Untill it started coming closer to the village she then could make out the details that set it apart from anything of this world.

It was a Demon!

(y/n) was so scared she almost forgot to breathe that was until she heard a scream. 'It sounds like it came from the area that we live in' she thought to herself she was so worried she made sure there was no one hurt in this area and ran as fast as she could towards their house.

When (y/n) got there she couldn't find her parents anywhere. All she saw was a pool of blood that looked like it was smeared then she thought to herself " a pool of blood? But why does it look smeared. Could someone have helped them? .She looked everywhere but when it became aparent that she wasn't going to be able to find them she gave up. But then she thought out loud " wait i sent grey to mom and dad, and i cant find them anywhere and there is the blood on the floor i really hope that grey isn't hurt."

Your thought was cut short by a sudden heart stopping crash. All The houses and buildings that weren't already crushed just got demolished by a ray of magic the demon shot from its mouth.

(y/n) ran around the entire town looking for grey, it took all night and by the time she realized she's not gonna find him it was dawn.

She gave up the search collapsing on the ground watching as the sun came up past the trees. As far as (y/n) knew she was the sole survivor.

With her village now in ruins (y/n) didn't have anywhere to go so she took off towards the woods. Knowing it was impossible to go back to her teacher (y/n) really had no idea what to do.

(y/n) was walking in the same direction she was in when she entered the woods, hearing a noise she turned around quickly tripping on a root in the ground. When she landed she hit her head on a rock, passing out from the impact.

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