Tenrou Island Part 2

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(Y/n) POV

It was finally the day we left for Tenrou island and I was packing my bag when I heard someone knock on my door. I opened the door to see my best friend juvia barge into my apartment and go straight to my room.

When she reached my bedroom she grabbed the bag I was packing and started shoving my clothes in the bag really fast making a mess of my room as clothes went flying everywhere. As i see her throw a bikini in the bag, i ask her " juvia why would i need a bikini were going for a test not relax on the beach." "you never know (y/n) the occasion might strike where you'll need this" juvia said to me while holding the bikini and smiling at me. " whatever. Juvia if you're here packing my bags does that mean you have finished packing your bags?" i asked her

" yeah i finished a few days ago i was so nervous i thought that it would be better if i finished early." she said responding to my question

"That makes sense. I understand being nervous i mean you are competing for s-class. I'm just helping my brother with the test. I thought I would get in more training because packing wouldn't take very long. It took even less time thanks to your speed packing juvia." i say with a smile on my face looking at juvia still trying to pack my bag with stuff that i didn't really need.

Juvia stuffed my bag so much it wouldn't even close properly "juvia i don't need this much stuff, i'm not even going to use half of this." i say taking out most of the stuff she put in my bag. " Really juvia, we are not going to be gone for a month. I don't need all this stuff." "your right (y/n) i just got excited. You're all packed now get changed into some real clothes you're still in your pajamas." Juvia said to me. "Your right juvia i totally forgot that i was still in my pjs. Go into the living room and wait for me. I'll be out in a few minutes." I say as I turn to my closet " ok (y/n) hurry we don't want to be the last ones to the boat." "i know i know juvia i'll be out in a few minutes"

I went to my closet and picked out my normal outfit. I like showing off my guild mark so I wear crop tops to show it off (My guild mark is on the right side of my waist). I like to show it off so everyone who sees it knows that I am a proud member of fairy tail. I grabbed a black crop top, light blue jean shorts, my black combat boots and my cloak. I wear this cloak because it's one of the last things astrid gave me. I went to my nightstand, opened the drawer and picked up the blue pendant she gave me and went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and put it on. I rushed to get dressed when I heard juvia yell "hurry up (y/n)!" i guess i took to long putting on the necklace.

I finished getting dressed and walked out of my room when I almost tripped because I was in such a rush I forgot to tie my boots before I left my room. "Ahh!" i said as i gripped the couch so i didn't fall." what happened (y/n)?" juvia walked over to the couch "oh nothing much just i almost fell over because you rushed me so much i forget to tie my boots!" After i tied my boots I realized that I forgot my bag so I went back to my room to grab it. We left my apartment and took off for the port.

When we got there I saw that there was barely anyone here yet. Cana and Lucy were there and Elfman and Evergreen were there. Lisanna is Juvia's partner so she was waiting next to her brother and evergreen until we got there. "Um where is everyone aren't we about to leave and where is the master?" i asked everyone they looked at each other and then evergreen spoke up and said " we are early. The boat isn't leaving for another thirty minutes." "thirty minutes!! Are you kidding me! You rushed me for no reason!" i yelled at juvia "oh you're in for it now." I said as I chased her around the pear until I heard a deep voice say "that's enough children you're causing too much noise. Chase each other on your own time" it was the master he was really big that's why his voice was so deep until he started going back to normal size. He then walked up to the boat and stood up on the ramp leading up to it and said " you all deserve to be here. Do your best and please my children behave." "yes master!" everyone said in unison. Everyone finally showed up and we all boarded together sailing away from the little town of magnolia and heading towards the sacred island of tenrou.

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