Castle of Hell

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"Yeah," Lucas agrees.

"Will you come with me?" I ask.

"Am I allowed to?"

"As long as you're with me."

"Then I'd be honored," Lucas says in a British accent and bows properly. "Princess." We both laugh. "What about the others?"

"Force field," I say pointing up.

"Oh, of course. Then that's what I felt."

"Can you make a force field?"

"Duh, that's like the easiest thing to do," he says.

"Good, then combine yours with mine to make it incredibly strong."

"Gotcha," he says and leaves the hut. You can hear the power come from his hands and I feel it enter into mine. Once he finishes he returns to my hut. "I also put small force fields around each hut."

"Smart thinking. Well, you ready to meet my father?" I ask him.

"I guess..." he says unsure.

I laugh. "That sounded really convincing."

"Well it makes me nervous. I've never been to Hell and I really didn't want my first time to be a yelling spree."

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes and snapping open a portal. A portal appears on the wall. "Oh! Almost forgot! Once we get there you have to release your wings and call me Princess Katima or Your Highness."


"They get all pissy if an angel is there when their wings aren't out and it's the formal thing to do."

"Stupid," Lucas says. "About the angel thing not the other thing."

"I know," I say and we both step through the portal.

When we get through we are standing right in front of my castle.

"Funny, I opened it up to my room," I say confused.

"Maybe it diverted you here because I'm with you?" Lucas says.

"Most likely," I respond. "Wings."

"Oh yeah, right." I watch as he spreads his wings. I stare in awe. "W-what?"

"Your wings look really big and strong," I say and he smiles. "And they're really... beautiful..."

He gives an awkward laugh. "Thanks..." he says while scratching the back of his head shyly.

I giggle. (His face is red it's so cute! Wait, cute?! What is wrong with me! He has a girlfriend quit it!) I shake my head in an attempt to shake off my feelings.

"Hey, you okay?" Lucas asks nervously.

I jump a little my face heats up. "Y-yes, I'm fine..."

Lucas stretches out his wings and envelopes himself with them causing the guards to notice us.

"Who goes there?!" the first guard yells. I turn towards them. "P-Princess?!"

"Yes, good evening. Would you be so kind to let me in?" I say formally.

"Yes, certainly, Princess," the second guard says and looks towards Lucas. "And who is this Your Highness?"

"This is my friend and guest, Prince Lucas."

"Pleasure to meet you," Lucas says.

"Oh... Well..." the first guard clears his throat. "Welcome, Prince Lucas." They open the gates and we walk up to the large front doors.

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