first encounter, but you loved her

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The same old routine, I dressed up for school like always my mom made me lunch it was embarrassing in the school canteen to open up your lunch box and eat but I would prefer the embarrassment over that shity food.
I took my bus to school and there I was, at the school gate 15 minutes before the time.
I was taken a back when ro-ra held my bag and pulled me towards the classroom door. She is my best friend since childhood we spend like days and nights together.
Hyun-jae, rora's boyfriend since 3 years. They first met each other in class 7 now they are inseparable. Their love story starts at early age when hyun-jae was struggling to get in the bus for the first time after his transfer at our school. Hyun-jae later became a friend of mine a close friend.
"Hey Y/N there is your guy" rora pointed at jungkook.
My heart skipped a beat not just because of Jungkook but the way he held her hand. Ji-hyun. His girlfriend.
They were famous for their love relationship since last semester. Ji-hyun and jungkook were best friends.
I myself saw them growing found of each since many years. But when you like someone you like them.
He being her boyfriend now didn't stop me loving him.
Worst part is even though he was a part of my life sinces ages I wasnt a part of his life. I smiled at rora and said "he isn't" . Hyun-jae pulled both of our hands and said my girls need an ice-cream. "You my boy",rora looked at hyun-jae all proud. 
'this is a new semester, I will focus on my studies and that is that' I exclaimed to myself. Rora and I are fortunately in the same class and that's the best start of a semester.
Rora was also my desk mate. Hyun-jae was just right behind us but there was no body beside him I wispered in her ears "you should accompany your boyfriend not me".
Hyun-jae wispered in my ear "she is sure that I will love her for infinity you don't have to worry". We all laughed.
We were then introduced to our home room teacher. Mr. Kim.
Surprisingly he was better than others. I noticed jungkook and ji-hyun sitting together with ther hands all around each other they were one among those who loved to show off their love. But why wouldn't they,they were just perfect.
To our suprise our happiness didn't last long we were told to take our bags and move out we were being re arranged.
Rora and I were the most to be worried we had only each other we didn't even make friends with anyone.
The next min the happiness found a way bach for rora and hyun-jae there were desk mate now. Love is surprising but rora was stilled worried about me I gave a hopeful smile and re assured her.

To be honest, my heartbeat was so strong I could hear it.
I didn't want anyone by my side. Nobody would be a better option.i didn't know anyone from the remaining student left but there was someone who was more worried then me,jungkook. Ji-hyun was already having a desk mate luckily a girl but jungkook wanted her to by his side. I felt sorry for him.

"Jeon Jungkook and Y/N", I was startled. Jungkook was looking around who is 'Y/N'. Ok he doesn't even know me fine we were classmate since 6th class but yet. 'good Y/N you cannot even have his attention in these many years', I came back to regular life I looked at him. He realised it was me. He nodded with respect and said "you first". I can see the disappointment on his face not because me but I wasn't ji-hyun. "Sorry", I said. "Why?" I didn't answer him but I re assured him "I will frequently change my seat with her you don't have worry on that". He smiled " I wasn't going to ask for that, but if you insist". We both laughed.
It was our first conversation in so many years I was nervous in the beginning to be frank but it left out my body the minute he smiled at me. I was in love with a right guy I thought I smiled.

It was our maths period when he was all confused looking at the text book "do you even know what is he saying" I smiled and said "if I would know I wouldnt have let you be this confused you can count on me for anything but not maths" I explained. "Good then other subjects you look into it. maths will be mine". I gave him a confused look "aren't we studying together from today!?". "But I thought it was ji-hyun and you who study" .he smiled ,"yeah because we were desk mate till date, now it's you"
"But ji-hyun" I was still confused. "She is my girlfriend she will obviously accompany us and I can't let her off my sight" he looked at her with all love.
What was I even thinking me and him studying alone that's not even possible I was thinking and looking for my pen at the same time my heart skipped a beat when I felt something so cold on my hands I looked down to see it was jungkook's hand and I looked up towards him to see shocked jungkook looking at me with his big doe eyes he took his hands off my hand "I'm sorry was looking at the board and searching for my pen,I'm really sorry". "It's okay" but I loved the mistake I thought to myself.

We were leaving for lunch," I will wait at library 5 pm" he smiled and left.

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