what was I suppose to do?

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Y/N's POV:

He held me at my waist. After some months of friendship where he didn't gave me a minute to think of him as my old crush he just did this. What was wrong with him. Yes it was ok for him to do it but this time it was different. I looked at him. "What?" I pointed at his hand on my waist he was out of breath he bent a little more towards me "I was almost late,I can't breath" his heavy breathing was getting me back to square one. I was over him I wanted to give jae-min a chance. I looked at him and his eyes were on ji-hyun. "You broke up?" I asked "it's just for a week I will get her back" with those word he acted weird and got his hands immediately off my waist "I'm sorry, I didn't realise" he said. "It's ok not like you doing it for the first time". He looked shocked like he didn't knew he did that before ,like many times but this time It was different I could feel it too. "Today the dinner is on me  my mom dad are out of town yours too, done deal, your place". He left. It was just another casual night for us. Yeah right we got much closer ompared to any others. I nodded yes and was looking for jae-min. "Let's go" he said. "I'm waiting for jae-min you go". "What from when did you start waiting for him?" I gave him a look and said "it's been a week you were quit busy with your own things I didn't say anything"
"We have lots to catch-up today get your sleep off for today we gotta talk" he was still breathing heavily I need to stop thinking about his breathing. "Leave" I said.
There is jae-min. He looks like a fine art. What a build he got I smiled at him and he waved at me. Half of the school girls were jealous of me like yes the hottest guy is my best friend and this man will be mine soon I thought and laughed. Jungkook was looking at ji-hyun the complete time and the moment she turns for a reason he used to ignore.
He held my hand and said "I don't feel good I wanna go home" I looked at him and it seemed like he wasn't actually feeling well. We both took a day off I said my goodbies to everyone. Ji-hyun was worried for jungkook. I knew it was just for time being they will get back together.

We took a cab home for today. As we reached home jungkook threw his bag on the sofa and said "A glass of water please". I was surprised"you were not feeling well, you dumb ass did you act ?". "I'm pursuing acting you know" he laughed . "You dog I had plans with jae-min today you messed it all up I m not getting you water, get off my sight". Jungkook got a little serious he got a little closer, again he took a small step and got a little more closer barely some space between us"what's up with you and jae-min?". He was very close to me I took a step back but there was a table behind me and I almost tripped he pulled me closer to him "I asked what is up between you two" he was serious. "I m giving him a chance I want to be loved" I looked at him straight into his eyes "I want to be loved".


Why didn't I stop there? Why did I even take a step closer to her?. Wasn't I just acting to make ji-hyun worry and call me. Why am I even thinking about this. I looked at Y/N "I want to be loved" with those words from her my heart skipped a beat I wasn't thinking straight. I looked at her, her eyes, then gazed down below at her lips I wanted to touch them. I was about to get my fingers near her lips and there was my phone to save me, it ranged. Y/N pushed me hard "sorry"I said I was embarrassed. "Isn't that getting too much of your vocabulary nowadays?" She said I smiled. "I will get some snacks out select the movie" Y/N said. I checked my phone that was still ringing it was ji-hyun. Thats what I wanted "ji-hyun right?" Y/N said. I nodded.
For the first time I saw it, I saw it on Y/N's face she was a little sad. "I'm good I gotta go I'm with Y/N we have plans" and ended the call I looked at Y/N she was busy with getting the snacks she is still calm with all the non sense stuff I did. "I will change,you want to change should I give you my dads pant?" I nodded yes. She threw the pant towards me I got changed and was waiting for her I select the most amazing movie 'Love 911'. "Not again" she came in shouting at top of her voice. She was wearing her short her favourite one with hair tied up all messy but still beautiful. "Jungkook this would be the 7th time we are watching this together please not more" she sat beside me. The weather outside was cool it felt like it will rain soon. "Yeah get those clothes inside it's gonna rain" I said looking at the clothes that were still hanging out  before we started the movie. "Mr. Weather forecaster please press the play button". I was dead serious she never listens to me. "As you say" we started watching the movie. And to be honest she loves the movie more than me look at her eyes she can't get it off the screen"jungkook I'm getting cold get me my blanket" she said. "change into something longer and warmer you idiot" I said. She looked at me angrily "im going.. getting it" I said. I was back with a blanket but she wasn't there and the screen was also still playing I looked around just to see her getting wet in the rain while pulling off the clothes I laughed at her and threw the blanket on the sofa.
"I told you , you idiot"
"Will you come and help me now" she was still upset.
I went out and help her get the clothes
She was all drenched so was I.
"I told you", I gave her a small hit on her head.she hates that the most.
"You dare do that to me again" she was still angry
"Just because I told you that it will rain you are angry?"
"No sir Im pissed off because of this rain you know right how much I hate it"
"Yeah yeah come here will dry up your hair"
I was about to pull her hair band that made a her hair messy she stopped me.
"Jungkook there is something on your shoulder"
I got a little scared with that look on her face
"What is it" I exclaimed
"It's a..." She looked at me
"What?" I got my nerves wrecking now
She then hit me on my head
"REVENGE" she tried running off after that but I pulled her and as the complete floor was wet she slipped and I tried my best to pull her up but her strength had no bars she pulled me down with her
"Ouchhhh" we both fumed out because it did really hurt.
I was trying to get up but I failed and tripped again and now on top of her.
She laughed out loud
I looked at her, I couldn't stop myself.
I bent a little more and placed my lips on hers.

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