So are you jealous too?

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I was there in the library by 4.30 with rora and hyun-jae.
They both were all lovey dovey until they realised they were sitting in front of me and was all anxious. It's was THE JEON JUNGKOOK who decided to study with me what have I done in my past life to get this much of God's pleasure. It was before 5 that jungkook came in and sat next to me. He looked at clingy hyun-jae and rora and looked at me and gave me 'what is going on' look and i told him ,"Im not sure if you know, you and ji-hyun do the same" he looked a little shocked "is it?" And looked at me to say "I won't do that anymore this looks gross". This took rora and hyun-jae's attention "GROSS?" They both questioned jungkook "look Mr. I love her and don't mind doing anything in public". Jungkook raised both of his hands and said "cool" and laughed. A minute later ji-jyun joined us. Jungkook introduced me to her as a 'FRIEND' that was enough for me for lifetime now. Ji-hyun seems to be a good human to me she was pretty beautiful and a perfect body. No doubt jungkook didn't knew I exist.

We studied for a while, jungkook me and ji-hyun were busy getting stuff done for tomorrow's test, so was rora and hyun-jae's motive, we all wanted to do good. Ji-hyun received a call from home room teacher Mr.Kim to meet him at office. Ji-hyun was about to leave when jungkook stoped him holding her hand "you want me to come?" ,"No you'll wind up here let's meet tomorrow, I guess my desk mate have to leave the school her dad got transferred today itself it was just our first day I gotta see her off" sadness was there in her voice. I thought it was just the first day then why, to which jungkook answered," you don't know her that is why you are concerned, she is one who get attached soon". 'oh, jungkook got taste' I thought.
"Lets get out of here we are done anyways" jungkook said.
I nodded a yes and was packing up rora and hyun-jae were ready to leave too. "Y/N we gotta go somewhere it's hyun-jae mother's thing I will call you, bye jungkook nice to meet you hope we get along this semester" Rora smiled at me and left. 

Means it's just jungkook and me. "I will walk you home"
'What?why? isn't this just the first day of us meeting' I thought "I will be fine it's ok, let's meet tomorrow" I wanted to keep distance from him being friends is fine I didn't want to get any closer to hurt myself. "Ok let's walk until our path changes" I need to take the bus I don't live near by" I smiled and added to his response. "Don't tell me,which bus do you take?", 'this can't happen I take the bus everyday if jungkook was to be in my bus i would have noticed it' I thought. "Lane 4" I gave him an answer but myself waiting for an answer. "Seriously, same lane bus"he was suprised,"but this can't be true I never saw you in the bus and it's not like I wouldn't know that you were on the same because..." I stopped I can't talk more or else I will spill all the beans! He interrupted"I was always picked by ji-hyun since I moved here last year I must have  travelled only 2-3 times and I was almost late everytime".
"Oh that is why I didn't get you on the same bus". "Yeah maybe" he said.
We got to the bus stop. He didn't sit next to me he took another seat behind me. I guess that's the line. That is were thing between us will always be for friendship. I was about to sleep when jungkook shook me off "we are here" we got down the bus and waved each other goodbye.

The night was difficult to me. But at the same time it was nice. But I was also was horrifying. I managed to sleep and next morning I got up fresh and was running so that I reach bus stop hoping that jungkook would be there. But before I reached the stop I saw him getting inside the car. "You are crazy it was just for yesterday"I thought. I reached my class room rora and hyun-jae were already there I waved them good morning. Ji-hyun was sitting alone before I could wave at her Mr.Kim entered with a new guy.
"He is the new transfer","Y/N at your seat please" Mr.Kim interrupted me while I was looking at this new guy so handsome and tall "what is your name" I asked him.
He laughed and said "hi everyone I'm jae-min, park jae-min, nice meeting you'll "and looked at me with a smile.I was all embarrassed I walked at my seat and saw jungkook staring at me with no expression "god he is so handsome jungkook" I told him. "Yeah go marry him" I was shocked at his response "hey what's up with your anger?" I questioned him. Was he jealous because I like someone new now.. is that even possible. Did I, in a day made him fall for me. With these thoughts I was interrupted with his next sentence"now there is no seat available all he can do is sit next ji-hyun, this won't do" jungkook was annoyed I felt like I was thinking too much out of way, true he was angry but because his girlfriend will be sitting next to someone so good looking though jungkook looked better than him.

The bell rang and Mr.Kim left. Jae-min got up and walked towards me my heart started racing. "This is your" he handed over my handkerchief that I lost this morning while running to the class "I thought it would be difficult to find you but you are easy" he gave me a big smile with that two faced sentence but I let it slide he was handsome.
Before he was about to leave he turned back and said "would you mind if I ask your help with school stuff can you help me".Me without hesitation"YES". I thought I was about to give up on jungkook he is happy with his love so I should be too.

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