Spending the night together-Part 2

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N" he said.
It wasn't just calling my name I felt the rush in my veins I could feel him even though he was steps away
"Nothing,change into something warm it's raining outside,you will get cold"
I didn't expect that but what was I expecting I wasn't sure about it too.
I went into his room to change and freshen up
"Jungkook" I called out his name that feeling wasn't leaving my body I was still stif but the cold air didn't go.
"Hmm" he entered with his wet hair. "You took a bath? It's so cold"
"I wasn't feeling good it's little bit.." he was lost with words
"Whatever" he said and looked at me "what is it?" He asked.
"What should I wear from these" I asked
"I told you wear whatever you want to please don't make it more difficult for me" he sound a little bit off.
"Why are you getting angry on me what did I even do?" I asked him at this point even I lost my cool.
"Nothing, wear whatever you want and come back to the hall let's eat something before we sleep it's anyways weekend tomorrow we can sleep as much as we want" he lowered his voice.
"Leave" I was really annoyed at him. Why would he be angry with me I didn't even do anything.
He looked at me a with a little bit of anger he was left with.
"What now you want me to change in front of you?,leave I said"
"Y/N don't say stuff which you don't mean Im struggling here you know"
"Oh so you think it's just you who feel it right.. just because I'm holding my calm doesn't mean I m"
We both knew what we were talking about.
"Leave now" I pushed him towards the door.
"Y/N" he said it again.
"Don't take my name with that tone" he was much calm than before
"What if I say you have 2 choice either we make this night count or I say something that can make both of us fall apart and it would be my mistake" he said
I didn't want to waste more time with my confused feeling
"Jungkook, what if I say I chose the the first one" I wasn't able to look at him after that.

"You hungry" I didn't wanted it at the same time. What if I take this night to another level I was confused but my heart didn't stop beating fast.
"No" she said. Her voice made things harder for me.
"Y/N not that tone not now please" I wasn't able to control myself anymore
"Ok leave now..."
I couldn't control every word she was saying was like a trigger to me and my feeling they were just more than words for me now
"I can't take it anymore" I pulled her close
"What if I say yes for you changing it in front of me" I didn't believe myself saying that.
"Jungkook" that's all she said
"I promise I won't be sorry about this I'm not doing anything unconsciously today"
She looked at me and I did it. I kissed her again.


HE KISSED HER. IT WAS STRONGER THAN BEFORE. jungkook couldn't stop himself today he caressed her chin then her hair he moved his fingers all over her neck making her gasped. He could feel her. Everything he did on her was making her move towards him a little more. They both didn't open their eyes. "JUNGKOOK!" she said
"No not now Y/N I m taking this far" and jungkook continued kissing her he didn't let her breath. He went down to her neck and started sucking her there. Y/N couldn't help herself too wasn't this something she was always dreaming about. She held Jungkook's shirt very tightly she wasn't able to stand with those gestures of Jungkook on her. His wet hair was making her feel the warm on her chin. "Jungkook Im not able to take it" after hearing it from Y/N jungkook stop immediately. "I said I won't be sorry for what I do today but if I made you feel me in a wrong way I'm..." Before he could say sorry Y/N said "Can we take this to the bed I'm not able to stand" she didn't look at him. Jungkook was surprised with those words "Y/N" He took her face and made her look at him "I won't stop it at any cost today you sure about this?"
She nodded "I don't know if this is right or wrong but what I feel I feel I can't deny it anymore for so many years I have loved you and now when I was trying to step back and love someone else I'm not able to everytime he looks at me I want him to be you I can't deny my feelings any more I love you" she said.
With those words jungkook kissed her back making them both fall on the bed "you said bed" jungkook looked at her so that she can smile a little bit and she did. "Hmm" was all she could reply.

They spend that night loving each other. The next morning all Y/N could feel was jungkook's one hand on her waist and other one under her neck. She turned back to see sleeping jungkook. "You must be tired" she caressed his nose then his cheeks then his lips "I wonder how can you love me" and then she smiled. She was about to get up when jungkook said "don't you feel sorry for me?" Y/N immediately turned around, "you slept on my hand for complete night you suck Y/N". Y/N acted like she was concerned "oh does it hurt" jungkook fell for the act "yes a lot here". Y/N took the water bottle and hit his hand softly making sure it doesn't hurt him "is it ok" they laughed. "hey it's weekend let's sleep for some more time" jungkook chuckled and pulled her to the bed. "Your mom dad will be back today do you remember and we didn't eat yesterday night,get up".

Jungkook kept looking at her when she was dressing herself. "Y/N remember one thing whatever happens to us I will always love you" jungkook kept on thinking about the truth he had kept it from her.

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