Chapter One "New student,New roommate"

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"Meme,are you done?We're gonna be late for classes!"Blaza shouted.

"I can't find my backpack!"Meme replied.

"He's gonna take a long time to find it...."Tbhonest mumbled. "Anyways did you heard about the new student that is coming to our school?"

"What if I say No,I didn't know anything about it"Blaza said,looking at Tbhonest.

"Your aren't paying attention to class again,Blaza."

"I found it!Hurry, let's go or else we gonna be late!"Meme said as grabbed Blaza and Tbhonest pulling them to the stairs.

"I can walk by myself,Meme"

"Too bad"

[In class]
(While waiting for the teacher to come)
"My wrist hurts so bad cause of you,Meme"Blaza glared at Meme.

"Be grateful that I didn't let you guys late for classes"Meme said proudly.

"Your the one who almost let us late in the first place!"

Meme and Blaza were just arguing while the teacher suddenly come in out of the blue.But both of them didn't realised and just kept on arguing.Everyone in class just watching them arguing while the teacher kept silent.

"Blaza,Meme,mind explaining what's all the noise you been making?"the teacher suddenly spoke.

"Umm...."Blaza and Meme were speechless.

"We will talk about that later but first we have a new student joining us today."the teacher said.

"Wait,so your telling the truth,Tbh?"Blaza whispered.

"Ya..You think I lied to you?"

"Well,you always lied to me when you said your not the imposter in among us"

"I-..."Tbhonest had no words.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to your new classmates?"the teacher asked the new student after he walked in nervously.


An awkward silent had been in the class for five minutes.

"What about you tell us what's your name?"a student stood up to broke the silent but it still didn't work.

"Don't be shy.You can tell them what's your name."

"M-My name is S-Socks....."the new student said as he covered his face with his book using his hands.

"Ok,you can sit at the empty table there,beside the man who wearing a doctor outfit" "Ok class!Let's start our new chapter today!"

Meme just stared at Socks while he walked and sat next to him.

"Hi!My name is Meme.It's nice to meet you"Meme spoke to him.

Socks just kept quiet and started to pay attention to class.Blaza suddenly whispered to him:

"Look like we have another nerd in our school but a different one"

Meme thought of a second and decided to talk to him after school

[Time skipped]
[After school]
"So,what are we going to do now?"Oof asked.

"Aren't you guys hungry?Let's go get some food first!"Wloof said.

"Good idea,Furry"Dino joked. Wloof just glared at him angrily.

"I agree too.Let's go to the new cafe shop that it's nearby here"TBVG suggested.

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