Chapter Eight "Date?"

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Socks was awake from his phone alarm clock.He sat up and felt like someone was pulling him. He looked beside him and noticed Meme.

Wait...why is Meme on my bed....?

Meme's hand was holding Socks's hand tightly.He looked at Meme again.

He's kinda cute....

Wait..! That's not the point!

"Meme!!"Socks screamed with bright red colour on his face.

Meme got woken up by Socks's scream.He barely opened eyes and looked at the shy Socks.

"'s 6:00am..Why did you wake me up...?"Meme said as he's about at fall asleep.

"W-Why are you on my bed!!!"Socks asked in a loud sound.

"Your the one who wants me to stay with you last night..."Meme said with full of embarrassment.

"W-What..? I don't remember what happened last night...after I fall asleep..." Socks said in confused.


"That was beautiful"Oompa said.

"Let's play one more time!!"Nadwe and Muffin said as they were holding the fireworks,ready to light it up.

"No! It's 10:00pm and we're heading back to our dorms"Laff said as he grabbed Nadwe's hand and dragged him to the car.

"Laff!!! Let me go!!" Nadwe shouted.

"I'm going to get Meme and Socks. Be right back!" Blaza said as he ran towards to Meme and Socks.

"Guys! A little help!" Tbh shouted as he was holding a crate of fireworks.

"How much fireworks did you guys brought...?"Wloof said as he helped Tbh with the fireworks.

"Ask the one with a bear hoodie" Tbh said.

"We are back,guys!" Blaza said as he ran towards the gang with Meme carrying Socks behind.

"Is Socks asleep?"Oof asked.

"Oof,is really obvious..." Muffin said. "How can he been asleep during such a loud fireworks?!"

"Let's just get going...."Meme said as he put Socks in the car. (Trying to change the subject)

After 30 minutes of driving,they finally reached their destination.Nadwe's parents had came to pick Muffin and Nadwe back home. They waved goodbye to each other and headed to their own dorms.

Blaza and Meme (carrying Socks) headed back to their dorm.

"I'm gonna go take a shower"Blaza said as he walked into the bathroom with a towel in his hand.

Meme walked into Socks's room and placed him gently on his bed. While he's about to walked to the door,Socks grabbed Meme's hand and pull him back.

"Please....stay..." Socks mumbled with his eyes closed.

Meme blushed.He can't reject him since he was holding his hand.Meme closed the lamp on the bedside cabinet.

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