Chapter Three "Scared"

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This chapter is almost same as the second chapter "Framed" but this is just Socks pov. Enjoy 👋

[Socks pov]
I was woken up by alarm coming from my phone.I quickly turned off the alarm and looked at the time

6:00am,two hours away before school starts.

I decided to go to the library to make a quick study for today test that I saw at the notice board yesterday.


I left a note beside Meme's alarm clock,just to not let him get worried.

After walked out my dorm,I saw a man look like British,wearing a gas mask with a white coat standing in front of the dorm(Laff,Joocie and Tbh dorm) at the other side.

I didn't have a confident to talk to him so I just walked past him,hoping he wouldn't start talking to me.


I got scared by his voice and slowly turned back to face him.

"H-Hi.....?"I mumbled.

"Are you Meme and Blaza new roommate?"the British man asked.

"Y-Yes...."I said as my head looking down the floor.

The British man seems to notice that I was scared of him and squatted down (Cause Socks is shorter)and said:

"Opps-,did I scared you by accident?"

I just nodded to him,not saying a word to him.

"I'm sorry.I didn't know that it will scared you...Anyways,my name is Laff,you?"


"Cool name! Anyways,why are you up so early?"he asked.

"I'm h-heading to the l-library..."

"Oh,your really different comparing to Meme and Blaza.Well I have to go to the Science Lab.If you don't know where the library is,you just need to turn right and walk straight!"he said as he left.

Even though I'm too afraid to talk to him,I still wanna thanked him for showing me the way to the library but he already left to the Science Lab.I walked to the way where the British man showed me and soon arrived at the library.

Since it was still early the morning,there's only a few students and teachers in the library.I found a empty table and sat down and read my book all alone.After 15 minutes,a girl suddenly sat right next to me.

"Hi there! I'm Celeste.What's your name?"


"Are you new here? I never seen you in the school before."Celeste asked.

I just nodded my head as I am reading my book.

"Celeste,I'm back!Who is this?"another girl shouted.

"This is the library,please be quiet" a librarian said.

"I'm sorry-Anyways,who is this boy,Celeste?"the girl asked.

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