Chapter Six "Closer"

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{In class}
In the big class full with students and one teacher,the silence filled in the room. The teacher was teaching the class ; some students were paying attention to class ; some students were whispering to each other ; some students were asleep in the inside.

Meme was sitting beside Socks. Meme will always peeked him while Socks was paying attention to class. Socks looked over to Meme and noticed he was looking at him.

"Meme,what are you looking at...?"Socks whispered to Meme.

"W-What...! I was looking at the beautiful sky beside you..!"Meme answered in embarrassment.

"Oh...."Socks said as he looked over to the window beside him.

Socks continued to write notes on his notebook while Meme still looking at "the beautiful sky".

"Hey,Tbh!"Blaza whispered to Tbh.

"What up,dude?"Tbh answered.

"Do you noticed that Socks doesn't felt shy near Meme?"Blaza questioned.

"And Meme was staring at Socks right now."

Tbh looked over to Socks and Meme.He saw Meme was looking at Socks with a blushing face.

"Now I see that,I think your right"Tbh whispered.

"I guess you know what that means,Tbh."Blaza said as he gave Tbh a weird looking face.

"That's means a new ship for us to sail again" Tbh said in a same looking weird face.

"Guys,you know I'm still here,right?"Dino suddenly whispered.

"Ah! Dino what the f**k!"Blaza whispered in a loud voice.

"Language!"Dino said.

"Let's ignore that point....Anyways,you want to help us,Dino?"Tbh whispered.

"I'm in. At long there's nothing about that furry,I'm good."Dino said.

"Really man...." Tbh and Blaza pov.

"Blaza,Tbh,Dino pay attention to class!" the teacher shouted.

"And Meme stopped staring at Socks!"

(Me:awkward moment ;-;)

Socks immediately started blushing and looked at Meme in the eye after he heard what the teacher said.

"I-I just wanna look at his notes!" Meme said with bright red colour on his face.

"Look at your own notes!"the teacher said.

"Rude...."Meme mumbled.

{After class}
Socks,Meme,Blaza,Tbh,Dino and the other students walked out of their class. They walked to their lockers to put their stuff back in there.On the way there,there were students whispering about what happened to Socks and Meme in class.Socks couldn't take people whispering and looking at him in a weird way,he immediately walked closer to Meme and put his face on his back,not showing his face or emotions. Meme noticed about Socks and quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him to a place where less people came.

"Socks,is safe here for now on."Meme said with blush to Socks who was hiding his face on his chest.

"...Are you really...looking at class....?"Socks mumbled as he looked up to the tall man nervously.

"Of....Of course not! I told you I was looking at the sky through the window beside you."Meme said in embarrassment.

" told the teacher your looking at my notes...."Socks shot back.

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