Chapter Four "Hang out"

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Before the story started,I will explain why Meme and the others are getting bullied.In school,Meme and the others are known as the "Weird gang"(doesn't even know that make sense),well they were called like that cause Meme is wearing a doctor outfit every time ; Laff wears a gas mask everywhere ; Joocie's head is a juice 😐 ;Blaza always wear sunglasses and more.So,that's the reason why are they getting bullied by Felix and the twins. (Only students not the teachers)
Back to the story

[Meme pov]
I opened my eyes and saw my laptop still opened but the screen is black.I woke up but not by the alarm,by myself.First thing I did was looking at the time. 9:23am. I was shocked that I almost felt down my bed but as soon I walked out my room and saw Blaza outside eating his breakfast,I realised that today is weekend (Saturday).

"Oh!M-Meme,your awake!"Blaza said while he put a sandwich into his mouth.

"Eat finish your sandwich first,bro."

"Ok"Blaza answered and chewing the sandwich.

"Meme,we're gonna hang out with the others later at lunch."Blaza said as he opened the TV.

"But I need to do something else"I said as washing the dishes.

"Meme,you need to relax.I know you been on your laptop since last night"Blaza said but eyes are on the TV.

"....." "Fine...but if I really get suspended for two weeks,I am gonna kill you all!"

"What!?"Blaza yelled in shock.

"Just kidding"I laughed at Blaza. "Anyways,have you seen Socks?"

"Didn't he left a note near your alarm clock saying he is going to the library?"Blaza answered.

"That's the note he left beside my alarm clock yesterday."I said.

"Oh...Then I guess he went out early in the morning."Blaza said.

"Oh...ok.."I was worried that Socks will get lost since he's still new to this school.I really wanna find Socks but I can't leave Blaza alone in the dorm or else he is gonna cause a lot of trouble.

[Socks pov]
I woke up early in the morning at 7:00am and went out of my dorm.I thought exploring the school for a while might makes me feel better but I'm lost again.I had been walking around circles for ten times a row.I'm definitely lost.....(Just like what Meme expected)

I decided to rest for a while on a bench.Even though the weather was windy( windy weather are great!),I still felt really hot.


I looked around to notice the British man I met yesterday was coming towards me with a guys dressed as a crab beside him.

"H-Hi,Laff...."I mumbled.

"You know him,Laff?"the guy dressed as a crab said.

"I met him yesterday morning near our dorm." Laff answered. "Tbh,this is Socks, Meme and Blaza new roommate ;Socks,this is Tbhonest but you can just call him Tbh cause he's not honest"

"Hey! At least sometimes I'm honest!" the guy named Tbh shouted. "Hi,Socks.Nice to meet you"

I nodded my head,don't know how to talk to him...

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