Chapter Ten "Under the rain"

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[How long have I not post ;-;]

[3:00pm,at the park]

It was a windy and cloudy weather.Socks was sitting on a bench which was under a big tree. He was reading his book peacefully while waiting for the person who dressed as a doctor all time.

Time passed as Socks was sitting under the tree waiting for the doctor but after a solid 15 minutes,Socks started to get worried. He closed his book and stood up from the bench.

Maybe he is just somewhere else at that park....?

He walked around the park,checked everywhere but still couldn't find the doctor.

Did he tricked me...?

Socks thought that the doctor had tricked him to come to the park.As he was about leave the park,water dropped from the sky as it landed on Socks's head.

What—wait....It''s gonna rain!!

He knew he can't ran back to his dorm in time since it's already started to rain a bit.He had no choice but to hide in a nearby bus stop.

When he reached the bus stop,he saw many people were hiding in the bus stop.The rain started to be more faster that leave Socks no choice that he had to hid in the bus stop with people squeezing him all around.

"When is this rain gonna stop?!"

"Stop squeezing me,you idiot!"

"It's so hot in here!"

There were people complaining or talking which made Socks really uncomfortable that he really wanted to left the place.

From all the squeezing and pushing,half of his body was actually outside of the bus stop which make him soaking wet.

Haven't I suffered enough......

Soon,he decided to walk out of the bus stop from all the uncomfortable he was and he was already wet even enough he was hiding in the bus stop.

Rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging his skin and blowing into his eyes.

The floor was so slippery that he can't even ran fast or else he will fell down and hurt himself.But still he was so tired and wet,he still slipped on the pile of water.

As he was about to hit the hard and wet ground,he felt someone hand wrapped around his waist. He looked up and saw the familiar man with an umbrella in his hand.

"Are you ok,Socks...?"


"....Socks,I know your mad at me for....being late...."

The doctor thought the starboy was mad at him since he wasn't talking to him. But Socks was just shocked about how the doctor just appeared right beside him and how close they were right now.

"C-Can you let me go-now....?"Socks mumbled and blushed as he looked down on the slippery floor.

Why am I even blushing!?

"Ah-Of course-!"Meme said in nervous.

Meme let Socks stood up and they were staring at each other awkwardly under the umbrella with raindrops round it.

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