Chapter Eleven "Gotcha~"

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{It's still the same day as chapter ten}
[Meme pov]
The piercing sound of the rain brought me back from the dead of my sleep.I sat up and started to stretch my arms in the air.As parts of my body is slowly "turning on", I noticed it was already evening as I looked through the window.

Damn-how long have I slept in?!

"Meme-are you awake yet-?"

I heard Blaza's voice from the door's room and turned around,facing him standing at the door with normal clothes on.

"You decided to finally wake up after two hours? Blaza asked in an annoying face.I glared at him.

(Hope isn't too rude-)

"Blaza-? Are you ready-?"

I heard another voice which was from the starboy.He came behind from Blaza and looked at me.

"Oh-! Meme,your awake!" Socks said in excitement.

"Hmph-are you feeling better now from the rain,Socks?" I asked.

Socks nodded. "He woke up a hour ago" Blaza replied for him.

"Anyways-Blaza and I decided to go out to the grocery store to buy some foods for dinner tonight!" Socks said with an excitement sound.

"We will cook at the kitchen in our dorm" Blaza added.

(Pretend they can cook in the dorm in this school)

"Please don't tell me your not the one cooking the food..." I mumbled with horror as I glared at Blaza.

"Blaza said he will be cooking for our dinner tonight" Socks said as I almost about to scream after I heard that sentence.

Somebody save me....

"Oh...ok-I will go since I'm bored right now..." I said which was totally a lie.

"Great! Socks and I will be waiting for you outside of the school" Blaza said as he walked away from the door with Socks.

After I didn't see them in my sight,I immediately grabbed my phone that was on the table. I typed the password and unlocked it to the Home Screen.

(Private Chat)


Laff: I'm here-?

Meme: Blaza is cooking for dinner!!!!

Laff: Oh-my- Your by yourself,Meme👍

Meme: Wait- what-

[Laff has disconnected]

I saw Laff disconnected from our private chat and I closed my phone and dressed in some normal clothes.

Great- I hope Blaza's cook will improve a bit-

After I got dressed,I walked out of my bedroom and headed to the school front gate.

(Me:Basically this part is saying that they went out for grocery for dinner that Blaza cooks)

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