Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So this is just a story I've been writing. This book is dystopian, so if you like that kind of stuff, please read!!! Also, feel free to comment and vote. Thanks!😄


The sun hits my arms as I ride my bike down the sidewalk. Though I know I'll never get burnt, the glass dome protects me from it. The dome protects us from a lot of things, but I wonder how hot the sun actually would be on my arms. Would it be like drinking coffee, where you feel that warmth that calms you inside? Or would it be like a bee sting, that shocks you and won't go away for a while?

"Mia, watch where you're going!"

I immediately clench the breaks and close my eyes, preparing for a hit. But nothing comes. I open them again and see a women on her bike, her front wheel a foot from mine. I look to my left and see Tami, my best friend, staring at me strangely.

"I'm so sorry! I was just..daydreaming," I tell the women, but all she does is smile.

"No worries." She assures me, and I move my bike to the side so she can pass. Tami laughs a little.

"I lost track of how many times that has happened. Once again, your welcome for saving you," she jokes. I laugh and thank her, but I wonder what would happen if I did hit her. Would I get hurt? Gosh, I barely get hurt, only a bruise once every other month and maybe a small scratch from the bike pedals.

Why the hell am I craving to get hurt?

I ask myself this the whole rest of the bike ride to school. And when I walk in the doors, I know the answer.

Because I want something new to happen in my life.

I'm tired of the routine. Going to school, doing homework, hanging out with friends. I want..adventure. I want a life changing experience.

I want to leave the dome, but it's not allowed. Unless you want to be kicked out forever. There's hundreds of other domes, with either all girls or all boys in it. My dome is number eighteen.

"Daydreaming again?" I hear Tami, and I blink a few times and smile. She rolls her eyes and tells me she'll see me third hour.

Again, like we always do. Same routine.

I go through the motions as I go to english and math class, then gym with Tami. I eat the same old peanut butter and jelly sandwich at lunch. But last hour is my favorite class. History. Where we learn about something I've always been interested in.


I've never seen one before, only in pictures and textbooks. We're supposed to hate them, but I don't see a reason why. They live in their separate domes, we live in ours. But we learn about them. Their bodies, personalities, looks. I learn something new everyday about them, and that just makes me want to see one even more.

But I can't leave the dome.

Yes, we are safe under this dome, but I don't wanna be safe anymore. I want adventure, I want danger, even.

The bell dismisses us from class, and I meet Tami after school. Every Friday we go out to get coffee after school, so we ride our bikes and haul our bags on our backs. We order the same old coffee's and sit at the same old spot.

Is this how males live? Doing the same old thing everyday?

"Man, that girl in my math class is so mean," Tami goes on.

"You told me that," I say boringly, but it comes out harshly. Tami looks at me with innocent eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just tired, that's all," I say, and Tami picks up my coffee and hands it to me. I smile and take a sip. But I almost drop my coffee when sirens go off, ringing in my ears, making my heart race. Tami covers her ears.

"Is there a fire or something?" She yells, and I shrug. We follow the other people in the coffee shop as they walk outside. The sirens stop, but I hear a voice through the speakers. The voice belongs to Evelyn Lee, our dome mayor.

"Would everyone please make their way to the Assembly Building. We have some news we would like to share. Thank you."

My veins pump with adrenaline. Something new. Tami and I follow the crowd as we all pack into the Building with loud mumbles. Tami and I ask each other questions too. Is the dome going to fall? I would ask. Is there no school Monday? Tami's words. But we all fall silent as Evelyn approaches the podium.

"Sorry for the shock that we might have given you, but we have important information we need to share.

"Just about a half-hour ago, we noticed something fairly close to our dome. A search party went out and caught a male wandering too close to our home. At this very moment he is being held in our prison cells."

Gasps echo throughout the room, then loud voices. I stare at Tami with big eyes. A male is literally a walking distance away from us?

"I assure you he is not a threat. We have him locked up and bound. And besides, he's in rough shape at this time, we did what we had to do. But I promise we are all safe. I just wanted to warn you all. We are having meetings on what to do with him, and we'll figure it out in a day or two. In the meantime, you are allowed to visit the male, only a few groups at a time. Thank you, you are dismissed."

I walk out fast, with Tami telling me to slow down. She knows where I'm headed.


Surprisingly, nobody is in line at the prison. I guess nobody is as interested as I am. But Tami doesn't complain as I open the door. I see a women at a desk.

"There's a few people in there already, you may enter when they leave."

"Thank you." I stand there, my whole body numb. Why am I so excited?

Because it's something new.

I can't breathe as the two women walk out. My legs wobble but I force them to move. I let Tami walk in first while I hold the wall to keep me from falling over. I don't even remember what I'm doing here until I look at the shadow in the cell.

My nerves disappear as I walk so I can see his body in the light. He sits against the wall with his knees tucked up against his chest. He's holding his head in his hands, hiding his face.

"The least he could do is look up," Tami says.

"Tami!" I snarl, giving her a glare. She shrugs but then moves her eyes to the male. I do the same, and our eyes meet. I hold my breath as I stare at his intense blue eyes that almost glow in the light. But they are puffy with tears and bags under them. He clenches his teeth, his jaw line sticking out far. Though I can clearly see the bruises on his face. He looks at me with a vulnerable face, a tear rolling down his cheek. I stand there frozen, not knowing what to do. He looks younger, around my age. What was he doing walking around near our dome?

I can't even look away from him. I've never seen eyes so blue before. I want to hear his voice, apparently male voices are naturally lower than ours. But I'm too afraid to speak myself.

"Let's go Mia," Tami says, grabbing my arm. I keep my eyes on him, and his expression on his face changes. His eyes wander, looking at me from head to toe. He's curious.

"Mia?" Tami says, and I blink a few times.

"All right." I tell her, walking out the door. I take one last look at him, and I say the most stupid thing I could ever say.

"I'm Mia."

I almost gasp when I hear him laugh a little. Just a little. But then I think I actually do gasp when I hear him.

"I'm Archer."

Hello friends! So, chapter one...yeah? No? LET ME KNOW!!!!!! I love when you guys are honest with me, it really helps my writing1! PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE!


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