Chapter 20

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When I wake, I see Archer laying on the couch, his eyes closed. He's actually sleeping.

I sit up quietly, not wanting to wake him, but then I see his glowing blue eyes open.

He wasn't sleeping.

"How you feeling?" He asks, getting up. I get out of bed and pose with my skinned knees and swelled face. "How do I look?" I say, and Archer laughs, quick heading to the bathroom. He comes back with a hand mirror. "Here." He hands me the mirror and heads to his clothes drawer, grabbing a shirt.

I put the mirror up to my face, and gasp. "Oh my god, ugh!" I throw the mirror on the bed. "I look horrible." And I do. A swelled face and beat red nose is not pretty.

"At least that will go away." I hear Archer, and I turn my head and see him putting his shirt on, but also the scars on his back. Pink lines scatter all over.

"Evelyn was a bitch."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

I see Archers slight smile, but it fades quickly. If anything, I see a frown.

"Did anything else to you? Like when they first caught you?" I ask. Archer keeps his head down, avoiding me. "Archer." I say, harsh enough for him to stop and look at me. He stares at me with those innocent blue eyes. Man, his eyes, they're like a weapon. A weapon that nobody can fight. "What did she do to you?"

"Nothing. I mean, that's long gone. We have to get you to Dave.."

"Your not going to tell me?" I ask.

"I just don't want to talk about it. Please, can we just not?" His eyes are a little watery now, so I give up. Whatever Evelyn did to him, he doesn't want to talk about it, and I can't force him. So I quick go to my room to change, and we go and find Dave. We spot him walking outside, and he lays his eyes on us, then walks over.

"Have you guys seen Ab.." He looks at my face. "Mia, what happened to you?"

"Abby's gone." Archer sighs, taking a deep breath. "And that's why." He looks at my face.

Dave grabs our arms and walks inside his house. Tessa is inside, and she notices me. "Oh my, what happened to you?!" She rushes over.

"Yeah, what happened? Abby just got here.."

"Yeah, and she put a knife to Mia's throat." Archer says, his jaw clenched.

"She works for the government. She got me to trust her and knocked on my door in the middle of the night. She brought me outside and threatened me to show her where Archer was." I say.

"I was awake and heard her knock. I had to run to the shooting range and get a weapon, otherwise Abby would've had us both." Archer explains.

"She's actually on the governments side?" Dave asks.

"The only reason she came here was to get us," I say. I didn't realize how scary that is. Hell, what if more people come? Who can we trust?

"She's gone and won't come back, I made sure of that." Archer says. "But, if anyone else comes..."

"Can we trust them." Tessa answers, a worried look on her face.

"Well, we can't just keep you kids locked up. You still up for this mission?" Dave asks, and we both nod.

"Okay. My only advice for you guys is to keep it low. Don't talk to new people. If anyone asks about what happened to you, don't tell them the truth." Dave looks at me and I nod.

Tessa then walks up to me. "I'm so glad you okay." She hugs me tight, so tight it almost hurts. "Thank Archer, he's the one who saved me." Tessa lets go of me and heads for Archer. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Oh no, it's nothing.." Tessa ignores it and hugs him tight, and Archer grunts. "Okay." He mumbles, and he pats her back a little and tries to push away, but Tessa won't budge.

"I'm glad your okay too." She says, and she finally legs go. I almost laugh, Archer really isn't the comforting type.

Only to me.

I follow him out the door and we grab breakfast, sitting by Adam and Dana. They asks me about my face, and I tell them I fell when I was going on a run. I don't even believe myself, but they don't question it.

After, we head to training. Dave usually tells us what we're doing today, but today's different.

"This may be a late notice, but we are going to attack the government tomorrow." Dave says, and everyone panics.

"Hold on, calm down. This isn't our real attack. We are going to attack fast, then leave. Our hope is to have the government think that was our attack, but our real one will be a few days after. But, they will expect this first one. So, of course, it will be dangerous. You maybe do your own training today, and we will meet at seven o'clock sharp tomorrow. If you have any problems, come talk to me."

We go to the shooting range, then go for a run. We don't want to be sore for tomorrow, so we take it easy at weight training.

"I'm actually so freakin' nervous," Dana says and we sit at a picnic table.

Me too. Because Archer and I are wanted there, and the chances of being caught are high.

But Adam and Dana don't know it, and I don't want to tell them.

"We just have to stay safe, that's all," I say.

"If I die, I'm glad I met you guys," Adam says, smiling a little. Archer pushes his shoulder. "Oh, shut up. We're all going to make it. Nobody gets left behind. All right?"

"Nobody gets left behind." I repeat. I realize this is more for Archer and I. If one of us gets caught, we can't leave each other. So I change the sentence in my head, making myself promise that I won't leave him behind.

Archer doesn't get left behind.



I just wanted thank you AGAIN for making this story reach OVER 1K!!! I honestly didn't imagine that happening, so THANK U SO MUCH!😊💕

Also, please continue to vote and comment! Your nice comments help support me to keep writing this story, so THANKS AGAIN👍😄

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