Chapter 21

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I wake up from a nightmare. Archer and I got captured by the government. All I remember is seeing the presidents face, then whatever happened after that I can't remember. Probably a good thing, anyway.

It's already six thirty, so I quick jump out of bed and change. I put my light brown hair in a pony, keeping it out of my face. Besides, people recognize me with my hair down, maybe having it up will help.

Or maybe not.

I go outside to grab breakfast, and only Adam is at the table.

"Where's Archer and Dana?" I ask, and Adam shrugs. "Getting ready, maybe." Adam seems off, not his fun, joking self. I rest my hand on his arm.

"It's going to be okay. Besides, you kick ass at training. You can handle it," I say, and Adam smiles.

"Thanks, Mia." He says, and I smile. I see Archer and Dana walking towards us. "Hey." Adam says. "You be careful too, alright?" I nod as Archer and Dana sit down, and we pretty much eat breakfast in silence. By the time we're done, it's almost seven, so we wait by the fence with everyone else.

Everyone's quiet.

Everyone's nervous.

We then see Dave, and he puts us in groups of six. Archer and I are together, and I know Dave did it on purpose. He then hands us coats with weapons we need in them.

"Alright. You ride with your group. All I can say is good luck. There are walkie-talkies in all your coats. When I say retreat, you retreat immediately. Other than that, all I can say is stay safe." Dave says, and I follow my group into a van. As we drive, I memorize where all my weapons are in my coat. But I hold the gun in my hand.

Hell, I might have to kill someone today.

Yes, that's the whole reason for the attack, but shooting a person is way different from shooting a target, I would assume.

I hate the government. Maybe it'll be easier than I think.

I wonder how Tami is doing, I can't imagine her even holding a gun. But, she's changed, I know that. And so have I. Me holding a gun may be a surprise to people too.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can do this. I just have to be smart, be safe...

And don't leave Archer behind.

"We're here. Let's go, fast." A women from our group says. We all jump out the door, and I see the fence surrounding the government. But the fence looks elegant. It's gold and tall, with unique designs. We all kneel by it, our guns out. I hear sirens, and then people running out the government doors, shooting immediately. I lay flat on my stomach, my ears ringing from the noise of bullets flying. I quick get up and shoot, without really targeting. But then I see one of them fall immediately.

Was that me?

I duck again, and someone from our group gets up and shoots. He comes back down, but he seems out of it. I look at him, and almost scream.

There's a bullet in his chest.

"He got shot!" I yell, and a women from our group crawls over. She feels his pulse, and shakes her head.

I hear more shots and duck, but my eyes sting. The guy next to me is dead, and nobody seems to care. And he was right next to me. It could've easily been me.

"Alright guys, this isn't getting anywhere. Let's retreat." I head Dave through the walkie-talkie, and all of us get up and sprint to the van. I hear bullets whizzing past my face, but I reach the van, and we leave right away. I look back and see the man lying there. Dead. He's gone, just like that.

I didn't even feel Archers hand on my shoulder. "Your okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...he died." I spit out.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Archer says, and I can't control the tears falling from my eyes. Archer then puts his arms around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder, my tears falling on his coat.

"Your brave, you know that? Your very brave, Mia." Archer says quietly. I close my eyes and shake my head no. I keep my head on his chest, and feel it rise and fall steadily. "Your the bravest girl I've ever met." He whispers, and don't even know how I fall asleep, but I do.


Archer wakes me, and I see a wet spot on Archers coat. Oh great, my drool.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I.."

"We're back." Archer smiles. I look out the window and see Adam and Dana. I open the door and yell out their names. They run to us, and Dana hugs me tight.

"You made it," she says. I let go and smile at her. Adam gives me a quick hug. I then hear Dave quieting everyone down.

"Great job, everyone. I really think we tricked them. Although, we did lose some of our own today. They died fighting for something important. But, the day after tomorrow will be our real attack. Thank you."

I glance the crowd and spot Tami. She made it. I know we aren't exactly friends anymore, but I'm glad she's okay.

"I'm glad you all made it." I turn around and see Lydia, her hand tight on Archers shoulder. She stands extra close to him, her eyes staring right into his. Archer just smiles a little. He may be tough and sometimes harsh, but he's actually pretty gentle.


"Lydia." She cuts him off. I almost laugh at Archers face. He looks at me, his eyebrows raised, eyes wide and confused. "Anyway, you all want to hang out, celebrate?" She asks. We all agree. We all grab snacks and head to Lydia's room. We spend the whole rest of the day there. Lydia glues herself to Archer almost the whole time, but I don't care. Besides, Archer doesn't seem to be interested in her anyway. He's nice though, dealing with her the whole time. But I actually have a good time with all my friends.

Back at the dome, Tami was my main friend. Now, I have more than one person to go to. Everyone is welcoming.

And for once, I forget about all the bad things happening. Because right now, I'm having a great time.

And time flies by fast, but memories don't. Especially tonight's.



I really felt like writing today, so yall get two chapters in a day!😄

So, how was the chapter? Sorry the whole attack part was boring and fast. But the second attack will/should be better! but overall, what did you think? Be honest and comment!


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