Chapter 12

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We sit in silence for a few minutes, until I hear a commotion on the other side of the door. I look at Archer.

"Visitors." Is all he says. I nod, almost funny to think I was doing this once, visiting Archer when he was captured. I never thought I would ever be in this position.

"They say some pretty nasty things sometimes, just don't listen to them," Archer says. I nod as two women walk through the door. They walk right up to our cells, not afraid to take a look.

"Hm, a male. Never thought I'd see one of those," one women says.

"And a young one at that, both of them. Too bad they are wasting their lives." The other women says. I quick take a look at Archer, and he reaches out and holds my hand again. The women stay for a while, then walk out the door.

In a matter of minutes another two girls walk in, and Archers hand twitches in mine. I'm not sure why he did that, until I take a look at one of the girls.

Those eyes. Their so blue.

I feel my own hand twitch too. I quick glance at Archer, but he's too focused on that girl to notice.

Bright blue eyes, just like Archers.

And it's not just the eyes, it's the jawline, bold and noticeable. The same colored dark brown hair. The same nose and lips. I almost gasp when it all comes together, but how could I not notice?

It's Archers older sister, Ashley.

She too seems stunned when she walks up to us. Her eyes rest on Archers, big and curious. The other girl stares too. Ashley leans down and looks at Archer harder.

"What the hell," she whispers, a confused look on her face. Archers eyes are almost watering, but I can understand. He's meeting his sister for the first time, in the worst possible way.

"Ashley." I barely hear Archers raspy voice that cracks as he speaks. Ashley's eyes grow even wider, and she stand up quick.

"How do you know my name?" She demands, her voice shaky as well. But she gets no reply.

"Tell me how you know my name, or I'll get the mayor. I swear I will!"

"Don't." I spit out, worried that Sarah will beat Archer to his breaking point. "Just please, let us explain."

"How the hell does he know my name." Ashley asks, snarling at Archer and me.

"You probably won't believe it, but we aren't lying." I sigh, there's nothing else to say but spit it out. "You and him are siblings..."

"I'm getting the mayor," Ashley says, turning around. But she stops when I say wait. Archer puts his head in his hands.


"Don't say that," I plead, staring at Archer.

"Sarah's going to kill me anyways, we both know that." He looks up at Ashley. "Do it, go get Sarah. Tell her I was misbehaving and she'll come here and kill me. Problem solved, if there ever was one." He stands up and walks to the edge of the cell, his hands gripping the bars. Ashley and her friend take a step back.

"But the least you can do is let her go." He looks at me, and I shake my head, also standing up.

"No, the least you can do is not get the mayor. Forget that this happened, please. She's already done enough to us." Ashely looks at Archers bloody face, and I see his hands shake as he grips the bars tight.

"I don't care what you decide, Ashley. But to me, family's first, even if I barely know you. But you can help kill your brother, but I sure as hell won't blame it on my sister. Never."

I see Ashley's eyes water. "I can't help you, because I don't think I can get myself to believe it. But, I won't hurt you." She backs away, along with her friend. Ashely takes one last look at Archer, then leaves, not saying one word.

I stay silent as Archer paces the cell. We both need our own time anyway. I sit back down and close my eyes, wanting sleep. But once again after a few minutes, the door opens again.

It's Sarah.

For a moment I panic, thinking Ashley turned her back on us. But Sarah doesn't come in filled with raged. Instead she walks in with a look of power on her face, her lips curved into a smirk. Archer grips the bars again.

"Glad to see your awake, sweetie." She smiles, and I see Archers nostrils flare.

"We need to take care of some business real quick," she says. "Which means." She claps her hands twice and two guards come in, unlocking our cells. They drag us out, and we go down the hall just a bit, into another room. Again, the tie us to a chair, but now Archer and me are facing back to back. I turn my head to the left and see a TV, and Sarah playing with the remote. But then I can't see anything when a blindfold goes over my eyes.

"What the hell is this for?" I hear Archer behind me spit out. Sarah's heels click as she walks towards us. I feel Archer tense up immediately. What is she doing?

"I said I needed to do some business real quick, but since your so nosey, I'm contacting the government. Tell them that we have two Alliance members. They'll be very happy. That enough information for you, pretty boy?"

"We'll see." I feel Archer move back on my chair a little bit, Sarah must've gave him a little push.

"Sir, hello!" Sarah suddenly shrieks, her heels clicking.

"Miss." The man replies. I can't picture a face to his low, powerful voice. "What is it you would like to share?"

"Well, just a while ago the Alliance came in and burnt down our Assembly Building. Luckily we snatched a couple up." I feel her hand on my shoulder. "Young ones, but a part of the Alliance, nonetheless."

"Oh?" The man says. "And what information did you get? That's there's going to a be worthless attack by worthless people?"

"Bunch of bullshit," Archer whispers under his breath, and I immediately hear him cry out in pain. Sarah curses at him, and I hear duck tape being unwrapped and put on Archers mouth. He breaths in deeply from his nose, of what I assume of pain and anger.

"Sorry about that. By tomorrow, they will have one more interrogation, then it'll be time," Sarah says.

Time for our deaths?

"But yes, from what I heard, the attack will be soon."

"Thanks for the notice, and nice job. Have a good night." The male says, and I hear the tv turn off.

I don't feel the pressure of Archers chair anymore. Instead I hear it falling to the floor, and Archers cry from the duck tape.

As I scream at them to stop, I realize that Ashley didn't need to get Sarah to break Archer.

She would do it anyway, because I suddenly realize something else...

Archers life has been nothing but breaking pieces. And I think I'm slowly falling into his puzzle, trying to put the pieces together.

But I don't know if I can ever help him solve it. But I'll try. I'll sure try.

HEY GUYS!!! SOOO I REALLY NEED YOUR GUYS'S FEEDBACK!! Do yall like the story so far? Is it boring, good, eh????? LET ME KNOW!! I love getting feedback, it helps me A TON!👍 THANK U CUTIES❤️😄

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