Chapter 27

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Archers POV

I remember waking up in my cell, seeng my whole torso wrapped, fixed. Better. Only sore.

And I screamed.

I cursed them, everyone in this damn government for fixing me up. They could of let me be, let me blackout and maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't wake up. Then the suffering would be done.

But that's exactly why they took care of my rib. So I could live a little longer, suffer a little more.

But they haven't bothered me for days. Ever since I woke up I've been stuck in my cell, only a guard coming in once to give me water. I try to talk to him, to ask him what's going on. But all he does is hand me water, waits for me to finish, then takes the cup and leaves.

But I'm actually not alone.

I stare at the video camera, watching the lenses as it fixes. And when I move, the camera follows, like there's an invisible string connected to me and the camera. I laughed. I'm trapped in a cell, what can I do?

Nothing. And it kills me.

I stand up, my hands clenched on the bars. I rock back and forth, helplessly trying to knock the bars over. I look at the bars above me, and I jump, grabbing onto them. But they don't budge.

Am I going insane?

"No." I answer, and I hear the camera adjusting. It almost looks like it's zooming in. He spoke. The camera says.

I start getting nervous, feeling the need to get out. It's too small in here. I need to get out.

"Let me out," I say, but my voice is raspy. Nobody can hear it, except the camera. But I look around, expecting somebody to come down. I grip the bars again.

"Please," I whisper. I feel my eyes stinging, water packed in them. I hear the camera adjusting itself again, and I punch one of the bars and turn around, ignoring the pain on my knuckles.

"Shut up!" I yell, facing the camera. It stares at me innocently, like it doesn't know what it's doing wrong. But I know who's behind the camera. And at this point, I don't care. I don't care if they come down here and beat me to a pulp.

I don't care.

"Your sick." I say, my eyes right on the camera. Though I can only see my reflection, I know he's listening.

"You think the domes keep peace? You think separating boys and girls will really do any good? What good is it doing? Now you have a whole Alliance against you. And they won't stop. They won't stop fighting, do you realize that? They won't stop....I won't stop."

The camera does nothing, like it won't listen to me. I shout, turning around and kicking the bars. I keep kicking, then I start punching. I bang my fists against the steel bars, causing my skin to cut open and bleed. There's a lot of blood, dripping to the floor. I turn back to the camera. Anger rushes through me, I can't even control it. I reach for the camera and smear my blood on the lens, covering it all up. I smile.

And almost minutes later, I hear footsteps rushing down the stairs.

Come and get me.

And they do. Guards come, opening my cell. They cuff me, while another sends a shock through me, making my breath short and my head dizzy. A taser.

I'm out of my cell. That's all I can think of. The guards drag me up the stairs, and into a different room, with only a chair and table. An interrogation room. They sit me down in the chair, tying my arms and legs to the chair. The guards stand behind me, and Tom and his wife walk in, along with Tami. She's wearing a uniform, looking sophisticated.

"Fucking hell, you got the job," I spit out. All she does is stare. But Tom's wife looks angry, and she looks like she's about to come after me.

"Melissa." Tom grabs her arm, pulling her back. "Not yet."

Tom sits down at the table, studying me.

"You said the Alliance won't stop fighting..."

"Why is she here?" I blurt out, glaring at Tami. Tom sighs, like I'm a little kid who just won't listen until they get what they want.

"She's here to tell us if your lying or not. Now, back to the never stop fighting thing. If you said that, you must know when their next attack is?"

I shrug. "How am I supposed to know? I'm not there." I state the obvious.

"But you were there. When's their next move? When are they going to attack again?" Tom asks.

"I don't know. I only knew that the last attack was our real one. The first one was a 'fake', to make you think that was our real one. I don't know what they are going to do next." I say, but nobody seems amused. That's not the answer they want.

"Let me speak to him," Tom's wife, Melissa, says. Fear hits me when Tom and Tami leave the room. I hate Melissa.

"We are going on tv again." She paces back and forth in front of me slowly. "And do you know why?"

Of course I know why.

"Mia." Is all I say. Melissa stops and smiles at me. "Smart boy."

Dumb woman.

"Once she comes, it'll at be over for you. No more hurt. No more cell.." She comes closer to me, and covers my forehead with her hand, pushing so my heads against the wall. "Don't you want that?"

"No," I say quietly. Melissa glares at me, keeping her hand pressed against my forehead and her hand gripped on my shoulder. "You don't? Are you sure about that?" I nod, feeling uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable. Claustrophobic. Threatening Mia.

Melissa figured out my weak spots that I didn't even know about.

"Bring him to the circle mirror." She says.

The guards start to untie me, and I see the smile on Melissa's face.

"No, wait. I can't.." I panic. The circle mirror. Whatever it is, it's something I won't be able to handle, and Melissa knows that. The guards lift me out of the chair, and drag me towards the door, but I can't just let them put me in there. I kick one of the guards, and jab my elbow into another's face. But before I can do anything else, I feel a needle going into my neck. My eyelids immediately grow heavy. I look at Melissa, who holds the needle in her hand. I fall to my knees, and eventually lay on my side, seeing Melissa sideways.

"No, please." My body relaxes, my heartbeat steady. But I see Melissa kneel down next to me, whispering in my ear.

"Have fun in there," she says, and I see her walk away.

And when the guards grab me again, I fall asleep.


So another chapter with Archers POV!! And I have to say that the next one will be in his POV again, but the one after that will be Mia's. 👍😊

So, tell me how you like it so far? Getting boring? Getting good? LET ME KNOW!!! Also please keep voting and commenting! Thank you 💜😄

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