Chapter 24

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Archers Pov

Tami's tougher then she looks. After punching me multiple times and knocking me down, she brings me to my feet. But I'm too mad to even care. Nothing matters anymore. I'm caught, and thats it. Nothing matters.

"Walk," she says, and I do, wiping the blood from my nose and mouth.

"You've always hated me," I say.

"Yeah, I did. Take your coat off." I take it off, leaving the weapons in Tami's hands. "You think the government will trust you? You killed their men," I say. We start to walk again.

"They want you, and I have you."

"You don't have Mia."

Tami kicks me from behind, but I catch my fall, my hands there to support me. "Ands who's fault was that?"

It was mine, but I'm glad. Mia's fine. But I remember her face when she left me. She looked so heartbroken...

But she's fine. And as long as she stays at the Alliance, they can't get her.

Tami grabs me again, bringing me back up. "Too bad. Your really going to suffer now. You know, your the one they really want."

I knew that. I escaped from Evelyn and Sarah. I got away from two deaths. If they had to pick between Mia or me, they'd pick me.

And here I am.

Tami and I reach the door, and guards stand there, raising their guns at us.

"I brought him here. No need to put the guns on me," Tami says. They open the door and keeps their guns on me. Is that really necessary? But they all raise their guns at the sight of me. They expect me to escape and make it out or something?

Actually, they probably do. That's what I do best.

One of the guards walk in front of us, leading us to a closed door. He knocks.

"Come in!" I hear a familiar voice. It's that same low, powerful voice.

The president.

The guard opens the door, and Tami and I walk in, her gun still on my back. I look up at the president. A women sits next to him. She looks younger, but that's gotta be his wife. Both of their eyes grow wide at the sight of me.

"That's him?" The women's stands up.

"Yes. I brought him here," Tami says.

"And who are you?" The president asks.

"She was a part of the Alliance, and killed your men," I spit out, and two guards grab my arms, separating me from Tami.

"I was at the Alliance. But I never liked it. I wanted to help you. And I think I did you a huge favor, by bringing him in," Tami says.

Wow, I really can't stand her.

The guards cuff my hands behind my back. I glare at Tami, not even realizing the president and his wife are standing close to me.

"Archer. Finally nice to meet in person, yeah?" The president says. All I can do is glare, he makes me sick.

"Too bad the girl isn't here."

"She's not coming," I say, and one of the guards punch my face. I fall to my knees from the powerful contact, and feel the blood rushing down the side of my head. The edges of my vision grow black, threatening to take me under. But I blink multiple times, shaking my head a little.

Get up.

I do push myself back up, but the guards push me right back down. I clench my fists, irritated. I look up at the president, still keeping my glare.

"Well, she's going to have to. Once she sees you in your condition." He says.

"I don't think so." A guard kicks me in the ribs, and I cry out, bending over for a minute, trying to catch my breath.

"Tom, honey. You go rest, I'll talk to him," The president, or Tom's, wife says. I watch his shoes as he walks towards the door. He tells Tami to follow him, and they both leave the room.

"Look at me." I hear Tom's wife say, and I do. She stands right over me, her arms crossed.

"I don't think you want to be difficult here, Archer. Everyone is against you," she says.

Well no shit.

"I'm not going to stop fighting," I spit out, and I watch the guards shadow as he raises am arm. But Tom's wife stops him. "Don't." She says. I look up at her, confused. She smiles down at me. "You know, I like you. Your feisty." She then kneels down so we're eye level to each other. She keeps that smile on her face, but something isn't right with it.

She's smiling, but not for a good reason.

"But, if you want to live a little longer, you can't be feisty," she says.

"Who said I wanted to live a little longer?" I say. I expect her to give me a glare or something, but she keeps that smile on her face. She then touches my face, running her hand down. She rests her thumb on my lip, then slowly brings it down, her hand under my chin. She puts her face closer to mine, and I push myself back. I feel trapped, and I hate that. I'd rather have the guards beat me.

Her ring digs into my chin, and I feel so out of place I try to stand up, but the guards don't allow that. And she knows, she knows I hate this. And she's enjoying it.

"I guess you don't care, then. So, I'll make sure we keep you alive. Until the girl comes. That sound alright to you, pretty boy?" She's glaring now, that horrific smile is gone. She lets go of my chin and stands up.

"Bring him to a cell," she says, and she sits back down, staring at me intensely. The guards drag me to my feet, and I keep my head down as we walk out the door. We walk down a flight of stairs, the beautiful walls and carpet turning into gray cement. There's maybe six cells, and the guards open the one on the end, pushing me in. With my cuffed hands not there to support me, I fall hard, seeing blood on the cement when I get up. I turn around and see the guards gone.

"Shit." Is all I say. Their going to keep me alive, until Mia comes. But to them, the word alive pretty much means breathing. They can do whatever they want with me, as long as I'm still breathing at the end.

But they can't keep me alive forever.

I lean against the wall, looking up. I spot a video camera in the corner. Of course, they are probably watching me at this very second. They can hear me too.

"Mia isn't coming," I say, staring directly into the camera.

But I know Mia would turn herself in, since I'm here. But she can't.

Tom's wife said not to be difficult.

I'm going to be difficult.

HEY!!!!!!!! 🌻

SO WHOOP WHHOOPP ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Archers POV this time!!! Do you like reading his pov? Let me know!!!!

also, please keep commenting and voting!!!!!! I'm so stunned that this story is getting over 1K reads!!!! I never imagined that happening, you guys are the best!😊❤️


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