Chapter 30

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Mia's POV

I savor my meal that morning. It may just be the last one I'll ever have. I sit at a table until Dave finds me, asking if I'm ready to go. I nod, following him to a vehicle. Before he drives, he turns to me.

"You're sure. One hundred percent sure you want to do this?" He asks. I look out the window, getting a last glance at the Alliance.

"One hundred percent," I say, and the vehicle accelerates.

We don't talk much on the way, what's there to say? Nice knowing you, sorry I caused you so much trouble? It's true though, ever since Archer and I arrived we've caused nothing but stress on Dave. I want to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Okay." He stops the car, and my heart beats fast. I take off my seatbelt, my hands shaking like crazy.

"Maybe you're not sure anymore?" He asks, but I shake my head. "I'm still sure. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be scared." I say. Dave rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, your strong Mia. You and Archer. Don't stop fighting, cause I know you too. You never stop. So, don't stop now," he explains, and I smile.

"It's not over," I say, and he nods.

"It's not over."

I slide out of the van, wishing Dave a goodbye. Then I shut the door, and he's gone.

"Here we go," I whisper, and I head towards the government, step by step. And step by step, it gets harder to. Knowing that I'm just turning myself in seems horrible. But it's what I need to do.

I get close, so close I'm at the fence. Guards spot me right away, running over with their guns raised at me. I stand still until they grab me, first searching for weapons. They then almost drag me inside, tugging and not caring. But once we get inside, I'm distracted by the beauty of the building.

Not the beauty of the people in it.

We walk all the way to the end of a hallway, and a guard knocks.

"Come in!" I hear a voice. The presidents.

They open the door and I walk in, first seeing the president, then the lady who I guessed was his wife. Their serious faces fade in a smile. But then I hear a sob to my left.

I didn't even see Archer hunched down on his knees, surrounded by two guards. He's hurt, it's noticeable. But it seems as though he doesn't even care when he sees me.

"No." He whispers, staring directly at me with puffy eyes. Tears stream down his face. "Why did you come?" He asks, his voice innocent and quiet.


"Why did you come?!" He's almost shouting now, trying to stand up, but the guards push him back to the floor. He lets out a cry. "I told you not to. I told you not to come! Why did you come?" He's in so much pain, physically and emotionally, it crushes me.

He covers his face with his hands and sobs. "Why did you come! I fucking told you not too!" He screams. I stand there, feeling guilty as ever.

"Will someone shut him up please?" I hear the president shout. But it's quiet compared to Archers screams. I stand there frozen as a guard swings his fist at Archer jaw. It's so powerful he spins a little before hitting the floor. Blood flows from his mouth, but he's out cold. I cover my mouth from sobbing, but guards tie my arms back.

"Tom." I hear the woman whispering in the presidents ear. He then turns to me.

"So you saw it last night," he says, but I'm too distracted staring at Archers limp body. They are just going to leave him there? It seems as though they already forgot.

"Yes." I mumble. "I thought you weren't going to hurt him when I came."

"Well that was necessary," Tom explains.

No it wasn't.

"It was a smart choice, though. You coming." Tom says, but I can't help but glare at him. He then moves his hand with an 'away with you' gesture, and the guards drag me out the room. We walk down a flight of stairs and I see cells. They open one and I walk in, sitting down right away. I see a guard carelessly carrying Archer like a rag doll, and he puts him in the cell next to mine. But that was Archers cell from the beginning. I see dry blood on the floor, and a shiver runs down my spine. The guards leave, and I stare at Archer.

I'm able to reach him, so I examine his body. His face is packed with cuts and bruises, a new one appearing on his jaw. I carefully lift his shirt up, seeing his whole torso wrapped. A rib injury, I would assume.

But why would they fix it?

Other than that, his body is just overall beaten up. I can tell he's gotten no sleep, unless you count being unconscious. But it's not just his condition that scares me, it was him just a few minutes ago.

He was mad at me.

Truly, utterly angry at me. His face showed pain, hurt, because I didn't listen to him. I've never seen Archer so hurt like that, so sad.

And that hurts.

He trusted me. He knew I would listen to him. And he probably went through quite a beating when he warned me. But I ignored it all, and I came. I've never seem someone so broken like that before.

And it's all my fault.

I sit there, feeling cold and cold hearted. Guilt flows in my veins, tears threaten to fall down my cheeks.

But quiet footsteps prevent me from doing so. I sit up, collecting myself. I see a shadow appear, getting clearer each second.


I can't even register my thoughts. I take a deep breath, wanting to make a huge speech on how horrible she is.

But Archer simply does it fot me.

"Bitch." Is all he says. I stare up at Tami, so angry at her I can't put it into words. But I do say one word.



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