Chapter 15

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After breakfast the next morning, Dave calls for everyone who wants to or is interested in helping with the attack on the government to meet by the shooting range. Dana, Adam, Archer and I all go.

I look around, seeing people from around our age to people maybe in their late fifties. I see Dave at the front, quieting everyone down.

"I know you all want to help to attack the government, but of course, we need to train. Get in shape, practice in emergency situations, stuff like that we need to do. So, this is why we will be training for awhile. Today, I expect you to do simple training by yourselves, with maybe taking a run and shooting. I also expect you to go to the weight room everyday for at least a half hour. But for today for an hour, choose your exercises, and make your way to the weight room later today. Thank you, get to work!" Dave claps his hands, and Adam groans.

"If your already complaining, you shouldn't be here," Dana says, but Adam just smiles. "You know me sis, I complain about everything." He smiles. "Anyway, wanna go for a run?" We all agree and head out to the path everyone is running on. We start to run, and Archer and I run behind Adam and Dana.

"You sleep okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, more than usual. But I mean, you basically drugged me," he smiles, and I lightly jab his side. We quiet down, but our heavy breathing fills the silence. But I can tell I've ready gotten better at running, at least for a long distance. Still, it's clear that I'm the one who got real tired first. Luckily we were almost done. We walk back to where Dave was talking to us, and look around to see what everyone else is doing. I spot Lydia with some people I played volleyball yesterday with doing push-ups.

"Let's join them," I say, walking towards them. Lydia looks up.

"Hey guys!" She sits up and smiles at all of us, her cheeks red and her forehead sweaty. Still, she's as pretty as ever.

"Hey Lydia, this is Archer. You know, the one that came with.."

"Oh, yes, I know," she smiles, looking at Archer with a huge smile on her face. Archer smiles back, a tint of confusion on his face.

"I met these guys yesterday," I explain. He ends up meeting every one of them, learning all their names.

"We are just doing circuits, you can hop right in. You missed a set of push-ups, you damn lucky people," Lydia says, and I laugh. We join them, doing a number of different workouts, from planks to jumping jacks. We all don't really talk, we don't have to breath to. Once we're done, I lay on the grass, closing my eyes.

"Not used to working out like this, huh." I open my eyes and see Lydia sitting up, blocking the sun for me.

"Not at all," I say. Lydia takes out her pony and runs her hand through her blonde hair, fixing it up. How the hell can her hair still be that pretty when we were just working out?

"You know, your one lucky girl," she says.

"What? Why?" I ask, sitting up.

"Because you and Archer are like best friends. You have each other's back, you know? Man, I want a relationship like that with a boy."

Back at the dome, we learned about how male and female have relationships. And they do here, at the Alliance. But I never realized I would ever have one. Archer and I are just..I don't know, allies?

"We are just, allies." I say, and Lydia laughs a little.

"You are allies at the Alliance. Honey, you two are more than that. But, if you two aren't together...let me know." She winks and smiles. I smile back, and she helps me to my feet and leaves. I go back by Archer, who hands me a bottle of water. I go over what Lydia said. She thinks Archer and I have a relationship? The ones we talked about at the dome are when male and female love each other and go out together. And of course when they have children, who are just sent away to a dome anyway.

I let it go, Archer and I are good friends, and we do have each other's back. And that's a relationship I don't mind having.

"Lunch?" Archer asks. I nod and we grab some food and take a seat, Dana and Adam joining us minutes later.

"Tomorrow's training should be better, we are actually doing like real life situations and stuff," Adam says.

"Anythings better than today," I say, and they all nod. We finish eating, then rest for a few hours in Dana's room. We end up staying there for a long time. Almost too long. But we head over to the weight room, complaining as we go. We head over to the squat racks, Dana and I sharing a rack, and Adam and Archer on another.

"Okay, so how much weight, just the bar?" I ask, and Dana laughs.

"The bar is only forty five pounds."

"Forty five is a lot of pounds."

Dana laughs again, but I glance over and see Adam and Archer adding huge weights. I count the weights, and add the weight of the bar. 180 pounds? I see Archer positioning himself, about to lift the bar.

"How?" I say, and Archer looks at me, a slight smile on his face. "How what?"

"How can you lift that?!" I spit out. I look back and see Dana adding ten pounds on each side. "Hey!" I say, and Dana just laughs again. "Just try it, you baby." I see Archer lifting the bar up, his head pointed upward. I go under my own bar and try doing what he did, keeping his head up. I stand up, and squat once.

"See? It's not that heavy," Dana says.

"Still a lot of pounds." I say, squatting a few more and putting it back on the bar. Dana just shakes her head and smiles.

After a few sets, we do bench, and do some dumbbells. Then we all head out. It's dusk, but I'm so tired. I head back to my room for the night. I walk in the wooden building, walking all the way down to my room. But a door opens right in front of me, making me gasp.

It's Tami.

"Mia," she says, grabbing my arm. I try to shake her off, but her grip is tight.

"What do you want?" I say angrily.

"Nothing, but..The government does." She says.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"The government, they were on TV. Talking about you and Archer." Tami explains, a serious look on her face. I'm too stunned to say anything.

"Mia, they want you and Archer. Very badly."


SOOOO I hope you liked the chapter, sorry it took so long to post😁 BUT STILL PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!! YALL ARE SO SWEET YOU MAKE MY DAY WHEN U COMMENT❤️☺️


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