Chapter 28

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Archer's POV

Melissa knew my weakness all too well.

Only after hours do I completely lose it in the circle mirror. It's circled shaped and small, I can't even spread my arms out fully. All I can see is my reflection all around me. And I know the people outside can see me, because there's no camera in here. There's no one to talk to.

There's only a few holes on top, like breathing holes. Like I'm some sort of animal.

And I feel like I am. My stomach growls, my horrible smell burns my nostrils.

I take a deep breath and rest my hands on the mirror, staring at myself. I haven't really taken a good look at myself since...well, I don't even know. Back at my dome, maybe? A while ago.

My hair has only grown a little, but it looks as if it's grown thicker, heavier. It's tangled and a mess, making me look wild. I ignore the bruises on my cheeks and jaw and look at my eyes.

People say they are really blue. So blue it looks fake. And if they don't say that, I can still tell they want to. They look into my eyes a bit too long, and I know they aren't just looking at me. Their looking at my eyes. Mia does that a lot. Takes a long look at my eyes, like she's zoned out.

But I look at them now, not seeing what's so great about them. But, I'm used to it, and see nothing unusual about it.


Just the thought of her makes my stomach churn. God, I hope she's okay. I can only imagine her right now, probably wanting to turn herself in. But she'd be dumb to do that. Dave is probably holding her back from doing so.

I have to tell her not to come somehow.

I get angry, watching my features on my face as I do.

"Get your shit together, Archer."

I look at myself, that's all I can look it. I end up laughing.

"You got yourself into quite a mess, eh?" I tell myself. "Man, people just don't want you alive." I drop my hands by my side, staring sadly at myself. "You suck, man."

And saying that doesn't hurt me, not one bit. I never was one who gave pity to others, or myself. Mia is an exception. For some reason, I feel the need to protect her. She gave me a chance when she first me, in her dome. She didn't care who I was or how I got there. She treated me like I was something, and hell, she saved my life.

I owe her everything.

I grow antsy again. My legs are cramping, I can't spread them out. I jump up and down, getting some energy in me. What I should really do is sleep, but that's rare for me. For some reason I can't sleep a whole lot, and it's actually something I should go in for and check out. But I have much worse problems. And besides, I'm used to it. But I sit down, getting as comfortable as I possibly can.

How long have I been in here?

I would assume as least a full day, but how would I know.

Be difficult. That runs through my head constantly. Do whatever they don't want. I sit there, thinking about how Melissa probably put me in here on purpose, because she knew I would hate it, and not be able to handle it.

Do whatever they don't want. Be difficult.

And I realize in this situation difficult, really means the opposite. I need to be fine with this. I can't panic, I can't show them I hate this. I look at the mirror and almost smile. I know Melissa is watching.

"This is probably one of the best things you've done to me. Keeping me here, alone and safe." I laugh a little. Shit, I must be losing my mind. "Thanks."

Who knew I could be powerful in a place like this.

And then I hear footsteps again. I stay calm as the circle mirror lifts itself off the ground. It stops when it gets to my hip, so I crawl under, finding myself staring at Tom, Melissa and two guards. I expect a beating, but all the guards do is grab my arms, and we follow Tom and Melissa. I desperately want to ask where we're going, but that would be stupid and I'd get a beating for sure. Or maybe we are already heading towards another room. The thought makes my knees grow weak. But I follow, silent as Tom and Melissa talk in quiet voices.

They open a door, and walk in, followed by the guards and me. I look in the room, and it's beautiful. Maroon wallpaper, old books that somehow look elegant. A large marble desk, with two chairs for Tom and Melissa to sit in. The guards sit me down on the chair opposite from the desk, but farther back. They chain me up, putting duck tape over my mouth. I look to my right and see people with cameras, setting up.

This is all for Mia.

All for Mia to get pressured into coming. That's why I'm here, so she can see me. And having her seeing me may just be the reason she'd come.

But that can't happen.

"Okay, whenever your ready," I hear a camera man say.

How do I tell her? How do I tell her not to come?

"Okay," Tom says. The camera man counts down to one.

Well, I better figure it out now, or there's no chance I'll be able to keep Mia safe anymore.


Sorry this chapter is shorter, it was just kinda a filler. But thanks for reading it anyway!!!

Also please keep voting and commenting!!! I put this story up for Wattys2015, so I'd really appreciate you voting!!!!!!☺️

Thank you!!!!💜🙌😊

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