Chapter 10

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It was raining and I was running. Fast. Not sure where exactly, but it didn't matter. At some point the sky began to clear up, but my legs were giving up. I was never much of an athlete. 

I sat down under a pair of steps that led up to someone's apartment complex and started thinking. I had to think of something. 

I kissed Megan's boyfriend. 

Who is way older than me.

Who is dating Megan. 

When did life get so complicated. 

"Hey," I heard a voice say. "Are you okay?"

I looked up and saw a boy around my age. He had bright red hair and sharp features. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I responded. That was an obvious lie, but I wasn't about to tell my fuck-ups to a stranger. 

"You don't look fine," he stated.

"Just a crazy day."

"Huh" was all he said. "I'm Logan, by the way," he added. 


Logan sat down next to me on the steps. 

"You know, a stranger is the best person to tell your problems to," he offered. 

"Okay, how about this: I kissed my like-cousin's boyfriend, who, by the way, is like in his early twenties and then I ran out of his apartment and now I'm soaking wet and lost and have no idea what to do." 

Wow. That somehow made me feel better. 

Logan was just staring at me, not saying anything. 

We sat in silence for a few moments, but it was the comfortable kind.

"Want to grab something to eat?" he asked.


"You look like you're in a bad mood, so I thought we could get something to eat. Food always helps me feel better."

I looked at him weirdly. I had just told him that and he wants to get something to eat? I wasn't sure how to react. 

"I know a great place down the street," he offered. 

I could say no, but where would that leave me? Still soaking wet and sitting on the ground. 

"Okay," I caved. 

He stood up and reached a hand out to me, pulling me up. 

The restaurant he took me to was Mediterranean themed. It looked low-key but at the same time it was clean and cute. It was a comfortable place. 

Logan pointed out a few of his favorites on the menu, but I didn't have much of an appetite, so I ordered a salad. He got some lamb chops or something along those lines. 

We didn't really talk much, but that was just because I was not really in the mood for small talk. I think he understood that too. 

After the food came, I began to feel a little bit better. He was right about that. 

The food itself was delicious. It felt homemade and personal. I really had to come here more often. 

"So, you live around here?" I asked. 

"No, I live in Maryland. Just visiting family," he explained. 

"Really? I live in Virginia."

"No way! We should hang sometime," he said. Virginia, especially the part where I was from, was pretty close to Maryland. Even if he living on the most northern part, it would be a two-hour drive at most. 

"Yeah, we definitely should," and I meant it. I could see myself being close friends with him. I also felt like I needed someone in my corner, and he was the only person who knew what happened today. 

At least one good thing would come out of this. 

Hi, so this is my first author's note. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you reading my story. It truly means a lot to me. 

Feel free to leave comments just to let me know what you think of what I wrote so far. I could use some suggestions. 

What do you guys think of Logan? Another possible love interest? I'm just debating it. He could just be a friend or not. Let me know what you guys think.

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