Chapter 4

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The week after had been uneventful. I went to school, did homework, ate, and slept. Interesting life right?

I had exciting plans to stay at home and watch Netflix all day when I got a text from an unknown number. 

Hi. This is Liam. We met at the wedding. Megan gave me your number. 

My heart skipped a beat. 

Damn, why didn't Megan warn me? I would know what to say.

What was I supposed to say? "Hi" would be too short. "Hey" sounds like a horny teenage boy. "Hello" sounds to formal. 

God, I really have to stop overthinking. 

Hi. How r u? I replied.

I sound weird. 

Was that weird?

 Is it too forward? 

This is why I don't date. 

My heart is racing. 

I'm good, how are you? 

You can tell a lot about a person by the way he texts. Liam, I realized, was probably a perfectionist. Or just someone who doesn't text much. He doesn't use abbreviations. Probably doesn't use emojis either. 

Good. So what's up? 

Why did I say that? 

He'll think I don't want to talk to him. 

Do I want to talk to him?

This is why I'll die alone. 

I just wanted to talk to you. I really enjoyed our conversation last week. 

Bless him and his sweet soul. 

So did I.

So what are you up to?

Just studying. Hby?

Same here. Med school is though.

Med school?! He was in med school?! If he's in med school, he's got to be six to ten years older than me. Shit. What have I gotten myself into?

I didn't want to end this, though. I liked this guy. He was so perfect and sweet and kind. I could tell him that I was in high school, or I could wait. Maybe if he really got to know me he wouldn't care that I was in high school. The way I see it, it is my job as a sixteen-year-old girl to crush on older guys and their job not to pay attention to me. It's not my fault that he did. 

Wow. Med school? What kind of doctor r u gonna b?

Neurosurgeon. What about you? Still in college?

Shit. What do I say? I could tell him the truth, tell him a lie, or tell him half a truth.

I'm hoping to get into law school someday. 

Not a complete lie. I really was planning on majoring in pre-law when I go to college and then law school. 

The conversation flowed freely after that. I felt like the two of us just clicked. We talked about all the small things and my anxiety eased up a bit. Talking to him felt really nice. I haven't talked to someone like that in a long time. We talked about the future, and then the conversation transitioned into soccer teams, and then we talked about traveling the world. He really was the perfect guy for me. Even the things we disagreed on were perfect. 

He'll eventually find out, though. 

This is going to be a big mess.

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