Chapter 14

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I walked out of class and felt the chill air on my bare skin. I was a freshman in college now. I was getting my pre-law degree. It was a small school--William and Mary--but a beautiful one. The oldest in the United States, actually. It was close to home too. 

Spring was just around the corner, but it was still a bit chilly outside. 

I made my way towards the library to start studying, and I got a text from Beth asking if I wanted to get together with the group. I haven't seen them in a while so I agreed. This will be fun.

I haven't seen Liam in a while, in case you're wondering. He said he would break up with her, but I told him not to. I've been keeping my distance ever since. They've been dating for a while, and I've been moving on and loving being single...kind of. 

I went back to my dorm to change to go meet Beth and the rest for lunch. I put on a loose white button-down shirt and ripped baggy jeans. I tucked half the shirt in and put on cute little heals. grabbing my light blue purse, I went to meet them all for lunch. We are famous for being able to make last-minute plans. They all went to in-state colleges, so we were never too far from each other. I guess we were meeting in a small town somewhere between us all, and it would take me about an hour to drive there. 

I hopped into the car and started blasting music and singing my heart out. I loved to sing. 

When I got there, Beth and Laura were already there. A few others too. This was nice.

Mark was there too. He's my ex from back in high school. Yes, the asshole. He took me in as I walked over to the gathering crowd. I didn't care, though. I was long over him. 

Mark was tall, but other than that, he didn't have any attractive traits, per se. I don't know what I saw in him. He was scrawny, which isn't really my type. He had glasses and was long overdue for a haircut. I was fourteen and he was sixteen, which made him somehow attractive to me back then. I guess I have a thing for older guys. 

I greeted everyone and looked around, realizing how much I missed my old friends. We were a big group, but all loved each other. Some more than others, but still. I was really lucky to have these friends. 

We walked into the restaurant and grabbed the biggest table. There were fourteen of us. 

I suddenly got a call from Megan. I excused myself and picked up the phone.

"I'M ENGAGED!" she screamed through the phone.

Hi. So, I'm really sorry for not posting for a while. I just have a lot of school stuff going on. 

Tell me what you think of the story. 

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