A wild goose chase!

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Aizawa's POV:

I was laying in my sleeping bag finally ready to sleep, when all of the sudden the door to my empty classroom burst open. Normally I would have a class to teach but they were all taking the hero work to lightly thus I expelled them all.

To be honest I was waiting for a good timing to expel them all. For one they didn't had any potential nor did they want to listen to me! I told them that life wasn't a game and that being a hero meant putting the life's of others over yours and they only started laughing.

I never tell jokes! How could they even think I was joking?

They quirks were pretty good and certainly would help them in hero work but none of my ex-students wanted to train it.

A quirk can be trained and become stronger and that's a fact. Can't believe they are so stupid and didn't know that!

These kids didn't wanted to accept that fact even. There might be a limit that everyone has but being a hero meant to exceed that very limit and work on that level on a daily basis.

At least I didn't need to waste my time and teach such thick headed kids with no potential at all.

I was comfortable laying in my sleeping bag when the door burst open and someone who was yelling came running to my side. This certain someone was my beloved husband. In his hero suit he remind me of a loud ass cockatoo who by the way was currently hovering over me.

Presented Mic: SHO! Let's go!

The moment I heard my nickname said out loud with his quirk activated, my eyes flew open while I was still laying comfortable in my cocoon and used my quirk.

Present Mic: Sorry~!!!

Me: Why did you come here?

Why did you need to come at this moment? I was finally about to sleep!!!

I let go of his quirk and deactivated mine as well.

Present Mic: You are so mean! Don't you remember?

Me: School isn't over yet! So I am asking you again, why are you here.

And gone is my sweet sweet sleeping time!

It was true that he theoretically didn't had any classes today but I do and I didn't intend on leaving my well earned sleep aside. It was an hour that I still had to teach my ghost students.

Tired and sleep deprived was how others describe me. However I didn't only look like that I was nearly always tired and I would take gladly any chance to sleep.

What should I say? Insomnia is a Bitch!

Before my cockatoo of a husband entered the room so nicely, I was ready and so close to getting my well-deserved sleep. Thanks to him, I am now wide-awake again.

Present Mic: Oh come on! Don't be like that you sleepy cat! We both know that you don't have any class left since you expelled them all this morning!

Me: *Sigh* And?

Present Mic: I will buy you some coffee on the way if you come with me right now.

Only 1?

At least by me 2. I didn't get any sleep because of you!

Me: Make it two and from the cat coffee shop that I like and you got yourself a deal.

Present Mic: Deal! Let's go!

He now officially owed me 2 cups of coffee.

I then slowly wiggled myself out of my sleeping bag and we both went to the coffee shop first and then to Hawks.

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