Me, SUS never!

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I spent the rest of the night with Hawks more like we both started watching a movie after I told him what happened. It was the first time I told someone that it was Sirens doing and I was scared that he would hate me afterwards since it was the work of a demon. I never expected him to react soo cool to it and not even be bothered at all.

Around 00:03 Hawks was completely asleep and I knew that if I would walk around the house that I would wake him up. It was important for me to get home, change into Cirein's outfit and meet up with the LOV. The field trip was in one week and I needed the plan I came up with to go flawless.

Lucifer was right in my lap as we all were on the couch. He was also fast asleep and I hated to wake him up but I needed to get out of the room safe without him noticing. First thing I did was wake up my black cat.

Me(whispering): We need get home. Can you teleport me back home into my room?

Lucifer: Mew?

He looked at me and moved his head to the side. I knew that my behavior confused him but I needed to go. Thankfully I could tell that my drawback was almost gone and I could at least whisper without my throat to hurt.

Me(whispering): Please?!

With that he teleported us straight into my room and I was carfull to not make any sound since I would for sure alure him. I quickly took out my outfit and changed into it. Lucifer was sitting on my bed and watching me curiously.

Me(whispering): Can you get us out on the street?

A nod from the cat. I knew that Lucifer was smart and I was extremely thankful for that.

Once we were outside, I picked him up and put him around my shoulder under the cape I was wearing. He immediately began purring and snuggling close around my neck.

Me(whispering): Do not teleport in front of the people I will visit in a few minutes. Do you understand?

Lucifer: mew.

Me(whispering): Okay then, let's go.

I quickly scaled up the next building and began parkouring from one rooftop to the other while being careful that Aiazwa wouldn't spot me since I knew that he was patrolling around this area. This time everything went smooth and I got there without any complications at all.

Shiggy: Ahh the dragon boss is here.

Me: Nice to see you again, end boss.

Kurogiri: Hello Cirein. Your voice sounds a lot better now.

Me: It doesn't hurt that much anymore. Thanks for your concern.

Shiggy: So since you are here, I assume you have more intel for us?

Me: Exactly.

I went to the counter and sat down. Kurogiri made me again a cup of honey and milk and I enjoyed it while talking to them.

Me: There will be field trip to USJ next week.

Shiggy: Can you be more precise?

Me: On Monday. The class will depart at 8 a.m. sharp. It will take them an hour to get there meaning they will arrive at 9 a.m.. All Might, Hawks, Eraserhead and Thirteen will be there beside the class.

Kurogiri: This might be the most detailed intel we had up until now.

Shiggy: Yes... How did you get this kind of information?



I can't tell them that I am a student there.

Oh I know.

Me: I have a spy there that gives me all the information.

Shiggy: That explains a lot. Can we trust your spy?

It's me so of course you can!

Me: Yes.

Shiggy: Good, then let's plan this through, shall we?

Me: May I suggest a plan?

Shiggy: Of course you can Cirein.

Me: I would suggest attacking them the moment they come into the building. I do not expect that the 3 of us and the nomu will defeat them on our own but we don't even have to.

Kurogiri: What do you mean?

Me: There are plenty low-level villains and a couple of middle ones that would give everything for a chance to take a hero down.

Shiggy: Attacking them with numbers, I see.

Me: Precisely!

Kurogiri: That might actually work.

Me: This won't be enough to take them down though.

Shiggy: Are you sure about this? I don't think that they have any secret weapon in their inventor that might help them against more than 500 villains.


Where the heck are you getting so many of them?

No secret weapon you say?

How about a Siren on their team?

It's noa a weapon you can easily acquire but they still have one.

Good luck fighting a Siren.

Me: We don't know that! I suggest you, Kurogiri to split them up and teleport them towards different reasons. I will give you a list on who to send where. My intel has a basic understanding of their quirk and teleporting them to the wrong section where their quirk is strong might be fatal for us.

Shiggy: Good thinking there.

Kurogiri: Very well.

Shiggy: Anything else?

Me: Yeah. I will join you later in the fight.

Shiggy: Why?

Because I am a student!

Me: Because I will need to make sure that they won't be able to send any signal out and hack into their system to lock the whole place down so that no one can escape.

Shiggy: Looks like I got myself one heck of a Dragon Master end boss!

Me: Don't worry I will be joining your side as soon as I can.

Shiggy: Very well.

With that the meeting ended and I went outside and ran a couple of blocks until I let Lucifer teleport me back to my home and change into the Siren outfit I had. Something told me that Hawks would be up when I get back. There was this small chance that he was and I didn't want to use my quirk on him at the moment while still having to cope with the quirk drawback.

Me(whispering): Okay get us close to his penthouse.

Once I was out in the open again, I made my way to his penthouse and went inside. I was careful not to make any sound while lockpicking the door. However, the moment I opened it, Hawks was already standing there waiting for me.

Hawks: And where were you?

Me(signing): I think my costumes answers that doesn't it?

Hawks: I was so worried when I woke up and couldn't find you. I even went so far and searched for you.

Me(signing): Sorry!

Hawks: Why didn't you woke me up? I could have gone out with you!

Lucifer: MEW!

Hawks: Well at least you had someone that could bail you out of a dangerous situation.

Me(signing): I didn't want to wake you up. You looked to peaceful and I know that you are doing more hero work after school. You need some rest too!

Hawks: Ohh feathers... don't you worry about me! Now come on let's go back to sleep.

Me(signing): Next time I will let you know where I am.

Hawks: I hope so.

With that we he gave me something to change and we both went to bed. 

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