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Izuku's POV:

As I entered the living room, I witnessed my dad and Hawks starring each other down.

It feels weird to call him dad.

Anyways after I saw them do that, I gave them a look that basically screamed 'Are you fucking serious! '. If they miss interpreted that wrong than what should I say... They are complete idiotic children. In fact I was sure in that moment that these two were overgrown children. As I was thinking that, I heard my father say something like they are not and everyone is childish sometimes.

Yeah but you guys take that to another level!

I went to Hawks side on the couch and set beside him. He wrapped his wing around me carefully and in a protecting manner.

So soft and warm!

I unconsciously leaned back and snuggled in closer to his wing. There was a shiver that ran across his wings. Feeling his feathers shake for a little bit, I looked at him.

Are they sensitive? Is this uncomfortable for him?

He was looking at me too. Our eyes met and he just nodded and smiled at me as if to say that everything was all right.

Then he and Mic went on and on talking about why they are here and why they didn't enter like a normal person would. I didn't even really listen to it. All I wanted was to escape. There were no opportunities for this what so ever.

What should I do?

My brain was working on a solid plan for me to get out of the room without anyone noticing when all of the sudden Hawks closed his wing that I snuggled into and jumped up. There was my opportunity! His feathers were blocking my view from Present Mic and Eraserhead. In an instant, I erased my present stood up and tried to get out of the room unnoticed.

Hope this stupid idiots didn't realize me leaving.

I went out of the room, into the hallway to the front door and was about to leave when I heard someone speaking up to me. Normally I should have heard his footing but with Present Mic and Hawks yelling at each other's, I was unable to hear his light footsteps.

Eraserhead: And where do you think you are going?

I turned around, put the most innocent face on I could muster and began signing to him.

Me (signing): Just a little walk...

Eraserhead: A walk you say. I am sure you meant something like escaping again.

Oh so very true.

Me (signing): You can't tell me you like to watch them yelling at each other's?

Eraserhead: I don't. But escaping is not a good solution either.

Me (signing): Then why don't you come with me? It is surely more peaceful than staying in that room.

I was pointing behind him with my finger. He got the point.

Eraserhead: Where are we heading?

Me (signing): To the park. It's peaceful there and I enjoy the quietness.

Eraserhead: Sure, just let us give them a note where we are heading.

Me (signing): Wouldn't that be bothersome? You have your phone with you, so they can contact us if needed. Besides they didn't even realize us leaving.

Eraserhead: True.

Then I turned around and exited the house. I was walking in front of him and I could tell that he didn't let me out of his sight. There was this stupid idea that I had and I wanted to do it so desperately.

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