Escape room!

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After that lovely talk of ours... Who am I kidding? It was far from lovely.




For my well-being? Maybe a little bit since I am sure one of them really wants to lock me up. Speaking of which. Why the heck am I in this god damn room again?




Oh yeah... Nezu let Power Loader make an unescapable room.... DADZU WHY?!

It was a completely white room without anything. I felt like I was in a mental asylum. The only thing in the room was a camera that was recording me and I was kinda sure that class 1A is watching this right now.

This will be fun he said!

This is a childs play he said!

Help us find the flews on some new secure system he said.

Does this look like a fucking new security system to you?!

Me(signing): Why am I here again?

Nezu: You are here to teach your class how to successfully escape a locked room.

OHH so now I am teaching my class?!

Me (signing): Was this really necessary?

Power Loader: Yes and my class especially made this room escape proof. By the way they are also watching you and make notes on their failure.

... Oh great now I have a hero class watching me and a support class...

Me (signing): Okay are there any rules I have to follow?

This is Nezu we are talking about after all...

He might throw me some ridiculous no-goes.

Speaking of which... How long have you been planning this?

Did you especially wait until my quirk drawback?

Nezu: Beside the do not use your quirk, none at all.

I knew it!

Is this some kind of punishment for me sneaking out and get away?

Let's get this over with..

Me(signing): Nezu, If I get out I want a reward!

Nezu: Why of course, anything you say.




Me (signing): Nice to see that we are on the same page.

I then went to each side of the room, inspecting every corner. There had to be something but everything I found was a white wall, one camera and some grids that were blocking the vent system and also the loudspeakers. Of course, there was the door too but from the looks of it, it was a lot harder to pick and without any tool, there was no way, I could pick the door.

What did I get myself into?

At least I won't be the only one doing this exercise! HEHE

I will ask Nezu to send every single one of Class 1A and the Support Class into this room and I and I also want him, Nezu, Mic, Eraserhead, All Might and Power Loader in here too.

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