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After probably one of the best day in my life, we got home and orders some pizza to eat. My whole family including Hawks were with us. Today I spend some quality time with my fluff ball and now I had dinner with all my dads and my 2 boyfriends who kinda are getting along. Let's face it they are only tolerating each other and since they know that I can't live without both of them they accepted each other.

It was already dark and I had a feeling that since I last time vanished in front of them just like that in the middle of the night and was gone for 3 years that they were especially cautious about what I was saying. Not only that but the moment we deiced to go to bed I had both of them on each side of mine and Hawks also basically forced me to have his feather with me at all time. He even made a necklace for me. It was such a beautiful necklace too. Hitoshi on the other hand didn't let me go to sleep unless we were holding hands.

I couldn't blame them at all and so we went to sleep. At exactly 1 a.m. I woke up again. Both of my boyfriends were still fast asleep and I had a feeling that I couldn't sleep any longer. So I decided to slowly get out of the bed without waking them up.

Since I was Siren, I couldn't pass this opportunity to leave for a stroll and go patrolling in the middle of the night. On top of that I would get my exercise and hopefully get tired after that.

In order to not freak them out anymore I decided to write a letter that I went out and would be back and put it visible on the table before changing and going out.

I found an abandoned building that was perfect for a short break and to enjoy the night sky. It was not every day that the night would be soo clear. I only wished I could show Hawks and Toshi this beautiful scenery.

Once I landed on the roof I was meet with a sight that I didn't expect. Someone was already standing there but the problem was that the girl was standing too close to the edge. She looked lost.

Being the heroic soul I am, I shouted out to her.

Me: Hey! Don't do it! Whatever reason you have for this, just don't. I know life can be shit and all but that is no reason for this.

She was so close to the edge and I didn't want to see anyone suffer. She looked a little bit older and she looked homeless but whatever her reasons were they couldn't be that bad.

I was standing on the roof slowly approaching the girl in front of me. I have never seen her in my entire life but one glance at her I could tell that she was crying.

What happened to you that drove you to this point?

Who did this to you?




Oh how I hate this society sometimes. Good that I as Siren already managed to shape it a little bit better!

Me: Listen, I am not here to stop you at all. I just want to offer you someone to talk too. If after you got the things bothering you off of your soul and you still want to commit then so be it but at least let me be that very own person listen to you.

I knew from past experience that after they talk with me they all decided that it was not worth it. Not only that but I also didn't had the right to stop them. If life pains them soo much than who would I be forcing them to live further. A hero wouldn't do that and all I can offer than was a painless death or let them be.

???: You wouldn't understand at all.

Me: I understand a lot. Try me!

???: Everyone hates me.

Siren (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now