We will find her baby 5x07

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Alice sat at the table with Tom, Toni and Betty they were discussing the missing woman at te swap "Human trafficking?" Toni asked

"Or a serial killer" Betty stated making everyones spine shiver

Alice crinkled her eyebrows as she was left very unsettled. She looked at Tom then to Toni and Toni gave her a sympathetic smile

Just as the silence was becoming awkward, a clicking noise from the lock of the front door sounded making everyones heads shoot over that way

Alice wasn't expecting anyone so she had a bit of fear take over her, she stood up "Whos there"

Betty looked over to Tom and Toni who had worried faces

Alice crept slowly towards the hall so she could see the face of the intruder

When she saw the familiar plad flannel and Serpent jaket turned away from her she let out a breath of relief "Fp"

He turned around with the goofy smile that always makes her heart warm, he came towards her and draped his arms around her "Hey Al"

She wrapped her arms around his waist melting into his touch "I thought you couldn't come for another week"

Her and Fp had visited eachother every weekend they possibly could ever since Jelly and Fp moved back to Toledo, Alice and him always visited eachother and made there relationship work. Once Jellybean graduated highschool and went to college, Alice and Fp got married and moved in together although Fp had a job that made him travel alot so he was barely home, but when he was Fp and Alice made the best out of their time together

He leaned back and looked into her blue eyes "Betty called me and told me what happened" he cupped her face, he could see the pain and fear behind her eyes, she looked like she hadn't slept in days but she was still beautiful

He leaned in and kissed her soft lips and she loved their short but sweet kisses

They pulled back and he head futher into the kitchen to greet their guests

Toni stood up and hugged Fp, he was like family to her "How are you doing?" Fp asked  as he pulled away from her

She rubbed her stomach "Im tired, very tired but im okay"

Alice chuckled as she knew the feeling and she did not miss it for a second

Fp greeted Tom then Betty

They filled Fp in on the information the had so far and argued 10:30pm everyone left including Betty

Fp and Alice went upstairs for bed as the were walking down the hall they passed the twins room

And Alice and Fp went in, Juniper had almost rolled off the bed so Alice scooted the child over a bit and readjusted the blankets. She placed a kiss on her grandchilds forehead and tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear

Alice stood back up and immediately left the room, Fp left confused followed her and found her crying sitting at the edge of their bed

He went to her and she laid her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her arm "Shh honey, it'll be alright"

Alice whimpered and shut her eyes tightly "H-how am I g-onna tell the twins" the last word shaky

"We won't need to, we will find her Baby," Fp shoothed

Alice lifted her head off his shoulder and put her head in her hands as she bent forward on the bed "This is the third time Polly has had a search party Fp. What if we dont find her this time what if-"

"Alice" he lifted her chin so her tired teary eyes looked into his "I can't promise you anything. But I will fight tooth and nail till we find her" his voice heavy and meaningful

Alice wrapped her arms around his body missing the feel of him since she knows he has to leave soon, she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, she loved how much he cared for their dysfunctional family he loved each and everyone of her children like they were jewels as she did his

His hated seeing Alice cry and unfortunately she broke down more than he liked, If he could he would travel across the world to get Polly so Alice would feel better. The day they married her told he would protect each and everyone of them as long as he lived. And as of this moment he felt like a failure

He strooked her hair "We will find her baby" he repeated trying to convince himself the same thing

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