Untill then

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(This was inspired by a falice edit i saw a while back, the song played was "The end of the world" Enjoy)

It was the night before graduation, Fp took Jellybean to Pop's to pick up their last order of burgers and milkshakes for dinner, And Betty and Jughead went with there friends

So Alice was home alone, and she needed to do something before her soulmate would leave her... she needed to tell him everything she wanted to tell him, but if she told him face to face, she knew he would never go to Toledo, so she sat down at her desk infront of a paper writing down all her emotions, everything she needed Fp to know

She sat there for about 20 minutes pouring her heart out on a letter, she couldn't help but cry while doing so so yes there were tear drops on the paper

She folded the handwritten note and shoved it into an envelope, she licked the seal and pressed down so it would be sealed

She wrote 'To my love, Fp' on the front and pressed a kiss to the white paper, so her pink lip stick would smudge the paper

She went over to his duffle bag, that was at the foot of their bed and layed it on the top of all his clothes,

She zipped the bag up and sat looking at it, relizing that the best chapter of her life was coming to an end, her soulmate, the jay to her bae, the person who fills her heart with utter joy, was about to leave her, for a very long time, though Fp told her to move on if she begun to feel like he was holding her back, but was she ever gonna move on from this man? No. Did she want to move on from him? Never. She will always love Forsyth Pendleton Jones

Her thoughts came to an abrupt end when she her the front door unlock, she stood up quickly, wiped her tears and flatten out her shirt, acting as if she had done something wrong,

"Alice?" She heard Fp yell from downstairs "we're back"

"Im coming" she yelled back as she left their bedroom

She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, to see the man she loved, with the girl who she thought of as a daughter. Sitting at the dining room table, for their very last dinner as a family

Alice stood staring at them for a moment

"Allie?" Jellybean questioned

Fps head snapped up "Alice" he said snapping her out of it "Come eat babe" he said softly with a genuine smile

Alice gave them both a smile, and sat down by the both of them, digging into all of their favorite food, taking in their last night with alot of love laughter and happiness, not sure of what the next day would bring. But wanting to make one good memory of all of them to keep

There he was sitting back in a new trailer in Ohio, It was the day after graduation, he said goodbye to everyone. To his one true only love

He started to unpack is things slowly, with every item he unpacked the more surreal it got

He grabbed his black duffel bag and unzipped it, not at all expecting what was at the top of his junky clothing

A letter titled "To my love, Fp" the air got caught in his throat when he saw Alices hand writing

He slowly picked it up, and sat down on the bed

Seeing her siloet of her lips from her favorite lipstick, made a shivey go down his spine, he missed her lips

He opened the letter, to see a long paragraph of her handwriting

Oh how beautiful her handwriting looks

Forsyth Pendleton Jones Jr.

It seems unreal that by the time you read this, we will have said our goodbyes and wont see eachother for God knows how long, I know you had to do this for your daughter, and I know she needs you and her mother. But when we got back together I thought that nothing would be able to tear us apart, I thought id be able to wake up to you every single morning and listen to your soft snores, to sit in a booth at Pops every Friday night, or to walk in the front door after a long day at work to see you waiting for me on the couch, which always made my day 100 times better by the way. But after tomorrow everything will change, and im not saying this to make you change your mind, Im saying this to let you know how much I will miss you, and how much I care about you how much I . . . Love you, because I do I really do, and If I have the balls to say it tommorow you should know that. Ive known you since I was just a little girl and you filled my heart with the most joy a person could have, when I had Charles, and didnt tell you, and distanced myself from everyone and everything I use to know. That's when the joy you gave me disappeared, but these last few years, of sneeking around and then finally being together have been then best few years of my life, and brought all the joy back. Just know that you Fp, are the only man for me, If I had 5 more minutes to be with you, I would hold you as close as I could, and id tell you that if we are meant to be together again one day. If its written in the stars, then it will happen, and untill that day remember that this isnt goodbye, but its untill then. I want you to live your life, stay with Jellybean as long as you need,

Fp had to wipe his eyes as they were casing his sight to get blurry with tears of sorrow, once he wipe them away he continued reading

If you find someone new, that makes you happy, dont feel like im holding you back, I want you to be happy, and if that means with another woman then so be it, just promise me its not Gladys, you know that woman makes my blood boil

Fp chuckles through his tears

Well, I should go, just remember that you have made me the happiest woman on earth, you are my light in the darkness of Riverdale, you still will be even though you will be far away, you will always mean the world to me even if you find someone new, because you are my bestfriend, and always will and alway have been my bestfriend. So untill then my love.

Love yours only
- Alice

He was left staring at the paper that his Alice wrote for him, completely choked up, with tear rushing down his face. She was miles away but he could feel her presence somehow, "Untill then" he whispered


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