Is this the end of our story? 5x3

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This was it Betty and Jughead were finally in the real world with highschool diplomas in hand

Alice and Fp slowly walked out of the gymnasium hand in hand behind everyone else, they were both dreading the part that was about to happen

"Alice," Fp spoke with sadness in his voice

Alice knew what was about to happen, she didnt want to say goodbye yet, she didnt want to face the truth "Fp the kids are waiting for you"

Fp knew she didnt want to say goodbye yet, so he walked over to the kids

Alice walked to their little family

Fp opened his arms to Betty first, "Betty thankyou for supporting me and my boy, can you promise me somthing?" He whispered to her in the hug

They backed away from eachother, betty nodded

"Can you promise me that you'll check up on your mother, make sure shes okay, keep her outta trouble and single"

"Of course Mr Jones"

Fo smiled at her then walked over to his son to say his goodbyes

Betty walked over to her mother "Mom-"

Alice smiled at her daughter before holding her hands and pressing a kiss to them "I love you" she whispered, then the two woman watched there men say goodbye to eachother

Fp walked over to Alice and took her hands and lead them to his motorcycle

This was it the moment the both of them had been dreading

"So is this it? The end of our story" she fought hard to not let tears fall

He sighed "God I hope not" he looked deep into her eyes "but ya know, for now-" he felt her hand grab his cheek

She put her face close to his "I know, i know what you have to do and, I love you for it" she brushed her finger over his lips telling him he didnt have to say it back

In this moment he didnt know what to do, his heart felt lost, because he loved her back but he was leaving her

So instead of words he pulled he waist closer to him as her smashed there faces together, a kiss so pure, so powerful, so sweet

Both had salty tears down there faces

Fp didnt want to let go, neither did Alice but she knew if she didnt now that he would change his mind so she pulled back and ran her hands down his face once more, when she tried to walk away he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into and emotional hug

She felt him slid somthing into her pocket then he whisper "Alice dont forget about me, I love you with my whole heart, I dont know if I'll be back but I will forever be yours, I wish things worked out differently but as I said"

"Fp I know, i know please dont cry, I could never forget about you baby your my rock and I'll see you someday, I promise""

There tears stained eachother shirts

They said there final goodbyes and before she knew it her soulmate was gone

Alice pulled out the thing Fp had put his her pocket ... it was a pick envelope that read 'Alice'

She opened it

Dear Alice

I know you must hate me right now, for treating you like trash at pops when by you asked me to come to your musical. And I'm sorry... truth is i was finding new feeling that i wasn't sure how to handle so I pushed you to the side, the moment you walked out the diner I knew what those feelings were, Love, Alice Smith I love you, I love you with my whole heart and I am sorry for all the shit i have put you threw these past 20 years i wish i could have been there for you, although I dont know what the future holds I hope it involves you.

- Forsyth Pendleton Jones II

And that's when she went to her car and broke down.

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