*•.•* Tag fest *•.•*

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Hello to all of our wonders! Hope you are doing fine.

We haven't held tag fest yet as we know not many people are fond of tagging. So we avoided it to hold but now we think it's necessary to get a hold on more participants. We request you ll to tag as much people as you can.

But beware! Don't tag those who don't like to be tagged. [I don't know what m i saying]

(Whispers) Should we keep prizes for this too?

(whispers back) No Naveena, i think no.... 

(whispers) As you say, but how should we provoke them to tag more people, i mean they are busy too.

(Whispers back) Don't worry, i believe our wonders will help us to gain more attention.. They will help us. I am sure.

Ahem.. Ahemmm

Sorry for going absent in the middle, i was talking to my co-host Naveena, She is such a good girl.

However, let's tag people here. No prizes though but i am sure, you can do this. Right?

Here you go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thank you.

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