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My mysterious florist

By: Mrs_Namnam

Judge: Prettyjerk12

Title: 4/5
It matches with book.

Cover: 3/5
It matches the book and theme but somehow it felt off.

Plot: 15/20
Plot is good and unique but it felt too rushed,

First impression:18/20
It was really good as i read further and further.

Flow: 8/10
sometimes it felt too  rushed or too low.

Emotions: 8/10
They were mentioned beautifully.

Character development: 0/10
Sorry to say but it was not seen in whole book.

Grammar and vocabulary: 8/10
Both are good but have tiny mistakes.

Overall: 4/5
I truly loved this story but some factors need to be improved. 

Total : 76/100




Judge: @Prettyjerk12

Title: 4/5

Cover: 4/5

Blurb: 4/5

Plot: 10/20
It is not clear yet i would recommend the author to update as fast as she can.

First impression: 10/20
It is not good. It didn't impress me at all.

Flow: 8/10

Emotions: 8/10

Character development: 5/10.
Not in all the characters but it was seen in main one.

Overall: 4/5

Total: 72/100


Book - 

Forced Marriage.

By: ArmyGirl2266

Judge: GryffindorPoseidon1

 Tittle - 4/5.
The title describes the story well and is pretty catch too crammed with the ' Namjoon ' and ' Completed ' together. 

 Cover - 3/5.
Your cover is good but it doesn't seem like you have put any effort into it.

 Description - 3/5.
The description is good but it seems like a simple conversation so I would suggest you to add something that tells about the story well. 

 First impression - 11/20.
 The first chapter is not very well written. Grammar seriously needs to be improved and the female lead is not made into a very relatable character . Also the first chapter is way too long to catch the reader's interest.

 Plot - 9/20.
 The plot is quite common and overused . There is not much unique about this story and I would ask you to work on it.

 Flow - 6/10.
 The flow needs to be gradual, not too fast paced. I felt like the story is a little fast paced.

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