Letter 12

528 40 3

Thursday October 20th, 2013

Dear Harry,

I would just like to point out that despite how comfortable these chairs are to sit in, they are horrible to sleep in. I would not recommend sleeping in these hospital waiting area chairs. They have these dumb wooden arm rests that dig into your back- it’s not comfortable just take my word for it. As you can probably tell, I’m a little cranky this morning, and I also slept over last night. Zayn only gave me the letter late last night, and I was kind of so tired that I fell asleep reading it. Sorry?

Anyways, they tell me that you’re getting better. But based off the letters that I’ve gotten, you seem like you’re pretty good and pretending. So, how do you think you’re doing? Are you feeling any better? They tell me that you’ve gotten your cast off of your ankle- that’s good right? They’ve also told me that you’re gaining weight- which is fantastic because I want you to be healthy. I hear that you’re back on normal foods again- rather than that liquid/pureed stuff that they’ve had you on.

It’s progress, and that means that you’re getting better. Every step you take closer to getting better is a step closer to being able to come home with me.

I am taking care of James, he’s adorable and you’re right- just like me. He’s stubborn like me too. I went home for a bit yesterday while Zayn was in there with you, and messed around with him a bit. He whines a lot- only because he misses you. Yesterday he was out getting certified to be an aid dog, he has a jacket and certificate and everything. They say he was a born natural, so right now he’s sitting next to me while I write this. His tale wags when people pass by, or when your name is mentioned. You’ve got him whipped- just like you had me whipped, only I didn’t have a tail to show off my excitement. That sounded weird, sorry.

Hey curly, I’m glad you get to have a haircut- I mean if you want to cut it that is- I haven’t seen your long hair yet. Maybe you should show me that wonderful bun of yours that makes girls jealous? Bun, not bum… then again… I wouldn’t mind a picture of both. I’m smirking, I’m sure you could tell but if you can’t well then, now you know.

They tell me you’ve been in and out of tests all day- it’s noon now so it’s not as long as it could have been. They also say that you’ll be released to the mental clinic tonight. They- being the doctors- say you’ll be picked up at 6ish, and that I’m allowed to come in and talk with you for a little until the mental clinic people come. But, have no fear- letters will be allowed until it begins to effect you in a negative way. I hope it never does, but we never know what the future brings.

My dear, loving, prince. Please get better for me. I miss you, so so much. These past months have been hell, I want to apologize on Liam’s behalf for that encounter in the grocery store. We all seemed out of line- we didn’t know the truth but it doesn’t matter- it was harsh no matter the circumstances. So, I’m sorry for all of us. I know the lads feel guilty- Zayn especially, he blames himself for leaving you- and we are all so, so, sorry. You never deserved any of that, and if I had stuck around to listen to what you had to say then none of this would have happened. You’re an amazing, strong, handsome, beautiful person and you deserve the best.

With lots of love,

Niall xxx

P.S. I promise. (Pinky promise)

P.P.S. I still love you.

P.P.P.S. I hope the picture motivates you to get better quick ;)

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