Letter 14

382 35 2

Friday October 28th, 2013

Dear Harry,

I’m selling your place. Of course, I want your input on the matter, but I think it would be best to sell our old flat. Yes, there have been many, many, good memories that we’ve made in that flat. But there are also so many that I want to not remember- almost losing you being one of them. Just think, we can get a house, a place to start a family, rather than that small little flat with so many memories. I don’t want to forget the good, and moving wouldn’t make me forget, but I do want to create more. Make new memories with you, and maybe even a child and marriage in the future. I won’t sell it if you don’t want me to, but I think it would be a positive step in the right direction.

I didn’t want to ask you when I visited, because I don’t think you would have heard me out. I know you love that flat- the first place we shared, together- but imagine how much more you could love a new house. A home.

You’ve been in that place for a week, a little longer than you said you would, but by the looks of it you’re getting much better. I’ve talked to the therapist you’ve been seeing in there, and she thinks that you should be able to go home soon if you want, although she suggests getting you a therapist or councilor to see a couple times a week until we’ve gotten past all of this. Hopefully, we can do it in no time. You’re strong, you’ve always been. You can do it, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

There isn’t much to say, we talked only yesterday- sure it was for a short period of time but still.

I love you,

Niall xxx

P.S. I really want you to come home soon. {We both do- James misses you too}

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