Letter 18

421 39 9

Saturday May 21st, 2066

Dear Harry,

It’s our 50th anniversary, and the cancer has gotten the best of you. The kids and I are sitting here in your room- of that same hospital you were in 53 years ago- waiting for the doctor to come in and tell you that the radiation wasn’t enough and that you are going to die. He told us you have a week at the most. We’ve had a good run, but I don’t know how I’ll make it without you.

Clark is trying her best not to cry into her husband’s shoulder, and Jase is trying to stay strong for all of us. You’re looking at us with tired eyes, but you’re smiling like you aren’t in the amount of pain you are. The doctor just stepped out, after telling you the news. Clark is bawling her eyes out, and Jase is looking at you with a straight face, his wife squeezing his hand comfortingly. You just smiled at us and told us you were okay, that you were ready. I let a few tears slip, but our hands are laced. You’re smiling tiredly at me, and I’ve just told you to sleep a bit- so I could cry without you seeing. You’re 72, yet I still think you’re too young to have to die.

I’m going to miss you so much.

I want to let you know that I love you. You’re my whole world and I’m so, so, grateful to have you in my life. Heaven needs their angel back though it seems, I want to be selfish and tell them no, but I see that if you die at least then you won’t be in pain anymore. You’ve been fighting this for so long, and we thought you’ve beat it twice. As much as it pains me to let you go, I have to.

I want you to know that I’m okay with it, I want you to know that I love you, I want you to know that you can give up.

With so, so, much love,

Niall xxx

P.S. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met, I wish I could be as strong as you.

P.P.S. Remember when we were this young?

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