Letter 17

430 39 19

Saturday April 11th, 2015

Dear Niall,

If you’re reading this, then everything has gone to plan. And no, not in a bad way. Never again, I don’t plan on leaving you ever again.

Anyways, that’s not the point of this letter. Right now- while you read this that is- we’re at dinner, a nice romantic dinner in the park. I’ve made your favorite food: Cordon Bleu, and set up a small table with wire chairs and pixie lights and it’s all a bit cliché and cheesy but I hope you like it. As far as I know, if I’ve given this to you, then it’s impressed you enough. I’m probably with you, nervously biting at my fingers watching you while you read this- in the least creepy way possible. Straight to the point though.

I’ve prepared a whole speech, but you know me- when I’m nervous I stutter and talk too fast and too slow and I forget what I need to say and I ramble and I lose track of what I’m supposed to be saying, see I’ve done it again- and it’s just best if you read it rather than let me say it. I remember so long ago, when I sent you letters, and I remember saying that reality sucks, that it was unfair. I take it back, I am so lucky to have you.

 My reality is better than my dreams- something most people don’t get to achieve in their lifetimes. I love you, and I want to be able to tell that to you every single day. I want to wake up next to you, or with your head on my chest, small puffs of air leaving your slightly parted lips, cheeks flushed, hair messy and eyelashes fluttering. I want to dance around the kitchen with you every morning while I cook breakfast, swatting you away when you try to steal the food or when you feel especially cheeky- but eventually I’ll give in, I always do. I want to listen to you singing in the shower, or join you and harmonize. I want to take cheesy candle lit baths with you, rose petals floating on the steaming water, lighting dim, with you in my arms or the other way around, sharing loving kisses. I want to make love to you, not just sex. I want to kiss you good morning every morning, despite our morning breath, and kiss you goodnight with minty kisses. I want to be the first thing you see in the morning, and the last thing you see when you go to bed, and vice versa (until I see you in my dreams). I want to smell your familiar smell of apples and coconut for the rest of my life, and one day I want to start a family with you. I want your familiar happy laugh, your radiating beauty and happiness, the birthmark on your thigh that you hate, the dimples on your back at the bottom of your spine, your messy morning hair, your appetite, your shining cerulean eyes. I want you, for the rest of my life, right by my side taking every step with me. I want you by my side along for the ride. I want to experience everything life has to throw at us with me.

Niall James Horan, Princess. I love you, with every single cell in my body. When you left, I wasn’t missing half my heart- I was missing all of it. I never want to spend a minute of my life without you in it. I would walk the entire length of the continent for you, I would literally fly to the moon and back, and back again for you. I would do anything for you. There is no number great enough to describe how much I love you.

So, Niall James Horan, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and be my husband?

{By now, I’m probably kneeling, please say yes?}

xx Harry.

Dear Harry,



A/N this story is coming to an end soon, thank you all for reading. :)

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