Letter 13

471 42 5

Thursday October 20th, 2013

Dear Niall,

You’ve actually just left my room, and two men wearing white uniforms have just stepped in. They’ve said I could quickly write you this letter, as a response to yours before they cart me off to the nut house. They have little yellow sunrises on their chest pockets, and on the back in yellow cursive script it says ‘Sunny Valley Mental Institution’. Fancy really. They seem nice enough, but they’re huge and I don’t think that I would want to mess with them any time soon.

I’ve learned lots of things about the place that makes it seem less daunting- things that the movies have wrong or keep out. First things first, I get to keep all my own clothes, except for stuff with belts or drawstrings. They also say I can’t have sweatpants or hoodies- they didn’t say why. I am allowed to have up to three books, and I get to write letters to you. I even get visitors! So I can see you every day! They say I have to stay three days, and then I can leave but they say that if my doctor thinks I should stay longer for treatment that I should sign myself in. I promise that if my doctor decides that I should, I will because I want to get better. For you. They’ve also told me that they don’t use strait jackets- rather leathers (which are leather restraints that keep you tied down to the bed) and it’s not like a prison at all. They say they just want to help- I’m not criminally insane so I don’t need to be treated like a prisoner. They say it’ll be like dorms, but with more locks.

I’m actually kind of happy that I’ll get to be happy again. I’m happy to be getting better, and to be getting back to you. With you.

It was amazing to see you again, to hear your voice again after so long. It’s encouraged me even more to get better. (More than that last picture you sent ;)) I haven’t had the need to cut today, but I know it’s not that easy.

I have to go now, they’re getting a bit impatient with me now. Attached is my flannel that you love so much, keep it safe for me?

I love you,

Harry xxx

P.S. I’ll see you soon, with a smile on my face.

P.P.S. Wear those cute thick framed glasses with it yeah? 

A/N- I really, really, love getting comments! Can I have a few more?

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