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We belong to where we want to be


The sunset is sometimes everything if you could dream of but here looking at it glorifying it from the distance I can realize it wasn't the sunset that was afraid of turning the sky black, it was the heart that was beating fast who has no idea of what is going to transpire next,

Still, it's clueless as I am.

We or should I say he? Precisely walking to the beach where the waves were hitting the surface again. I always wonder; why they always come back without any doubt silently, they always hit the surface to rinse it again.

He was walking on it, soaking his feet in the cold water when the sea was ready to swallow the sun.

And I was standing on the sand, barefoot, observing everything of nature.

I respect silences, a peaceful one when we don't have to communicate just be there to find ourselves.

My heart was asserting to never leave this location and my mind was wandering in all the possible scenarios of transpiring anything.

I just sat there, witnessed the most fascinating moment when the most delightful shine of the sun started glorifying the waves of the ocean. At that time I felt as I was in my home, in India.

There was something, something extravagant about this place or maybe about the presence of silence which is glorifying this earth or to my heart into its depths.

I saw the sun at its dawn, at one moment it was there and in the next, it was gone. Leaving everything in the dark.

Shadows of palm trees started horrifying me with their heights then I realize its time to go back to reality.

I was zoned out for hours and in that time I realise he didn't evacuate, he was still there, only he is talking to someone on a cellphone.

Maybe I should go, anyways it isn't far away from here, I can go on a long walk in the direction of the wind.

When I started walking to the other side I heard footsteps. He was going to approach me I should run maybe.

"Wait!" He called out.

It's late already why should I wait?

"Wait please!"

His voice suddenly turned soft as a feather and I could perceive vulnerability in it.

I am such a horrible person!

"Yes? What do you have to say?"

I asked him looking at his eyes while trying to find any hint if I could get anyone. But no emotions came from them. Sometimes, it is very hard to read on the person!

"Will you walk with me??"

There was so much sincerity in his voice, he didn't sugarcoat anything just plainly asked me.

But why is he asking specifically to me? Doesn't he have other options?

Didn't I just waste my entire day with him?

"To where?"

"At Sarah's!"

Is he out of his mind? I am not going anywhere where that girl belongs to!

"Have you completely lost yourself?"

"Alisha is there too in fact the whole university is there! You will be alone in the hostel! And I cannot let you be alone."

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