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The journey is long...


13th August' 2011

"Have you packed all your things?"

"Have you checked the list yet?"

"Are you sure you want to go out?"

"What if they bully you?"

My mother had so many questions in her mind which are blasting me from inside.

If not for my poor behaviour against bullies she shouldn't have been that much afraid of me...
when I got admission to Willington University in California.

I've never thought in my dreams that I could get admission to such an expensive university or better to go out of India but I guess my hard work finally paid off. I got a scholarship to study there because of the blessings of mom, dad I'm able to go out in the next two hours for California.

Experts use to say it is very hot in there. Hotter than from here. Still, my heart is pondering over the thought that I'm going to be in the aeroplane, I'm going to take a flight it is a precious moment for me also because I'm going to leave mom and dad for 4 Years. I've never been separated from them since the time I was born.

Being a single child it's very hard to see them crying because I was leaving Nagpur. The orange city has given me so many memories: some good some bad.

"Mom stop crying otherwise I'll not go there. you know right how much I love you!" I tried to console her while hugging

Dad was also trying hard to not cry but I can see through his eyes, the pain of salvation and separation and I knew it was coming I started crying too.
Her chocolaty brown eyes were showing the hollowness of separation also and her plumped lips were trying to seal her emotions.

"Honey we need to leave her otherwise her flight will be missed, " Dad tried to console mom.

"Tell me, you will call us every day?" Her skimmed eyebrows were gawking at me making me realize once again that I'm going to be alone.

"We don't have enough money for that Avanti. you need to understand that she is a big girl now she has to go there to California to study and I know she will be fine. our daughter is great, she is brave;  at least she has become one and  I know she will manage everything by herself."

"Yes, mom. stop crying I'll call you every week and don't you need to worry about me. I'll be fine. I just need your blessings and your love for me so that I can go there without having guilt on my heart that I wasn't always the brave one but I promise you that I'll in every situation."


I've not seen the airport in my life this is the first time I'm seeing it when I'm going to take a flight. There were thousands of people here along with their suitcases. I didn't get where I was supposed to go to take my flight so I started wandering for any hint. Everyone was so busy there doing their work until a thud stopped everyone to look at me?

Umm! I might have collided with someone because I am on the floor now with all my things Spread like paper on the floor.

"Stupid girl! Must be your first time here that's why you were so busy at gawking everything? "

You need to give the right answer girl!

"Oh, you got it right I was the first time here that's why gawking but look at you and your tone as they can't see anything despite money!"

Why do I say money because he was showing off everything! I can't even see his face. He had so big sunglasses on it. And sunglasses here in the airport just mean to show off!

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