The Vampire Party

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Katherine's POV: 

After I got done getting dressed, I heard a knock on the door. "Katherine, are you done getting dressed?" Caroline asked. "Yeah, come in," I said. She walked in the door. My heart skipped a beat. She looked gorgeous. She wasn't really even wearing anything special, she was just Caroline. "Would you like to come with a vampire party with me?" She asked. I could tell she didn't want to come alone. "Yeah, I'll go with you," I managed to get out. I didn't even think she wanted to see me again and know she was inviting me to a party, of course I'm coming. "We need to get dressed in something cute," Caroline said. "Not that you're not wearing something cute right now, jus- just wear wh-what you want," Caroline corrected herself. "Yeah you're right I should change. Are you wearing something different?" I asked. "Yeah."she answered. "Where are you going to change?" "Um...I guess...I could change in the bathroom and you change in here." Caroline said. "Yeah," I said.

Author's  POV:

After they got done getting dressed. "Wow you look gorgeous," Katherine said in shock. Caroline blushed. "So do you," Caroline said. "So where's this party?" Katherine asked. "It's on 15th street," Caroline answered. "We can take my car," Katherine said. 

About 15 minutes later, they arrived. They walked in and there was loud music was playing. Vampires were dancing and feeding. There were flashes of light in the building. "You wanna go get drinks?" Caroline asked. "Sure," Katherine answered. They started walking up to the bar. "Can we get two frozen strawberry margaritas with a hint of blood?" Caroline asked the bartender. "Coming right up," the bartender. 

After they got done drinking their margaritas, they went out to the dance floor. They started dancing and feeding on the same humans neck. Their mouths so close to each other's on the humans neck. They were so tempted to stop feeding and kiss. But then the human heartbeat started to get slow, so they stopped. "You were never here, you don't remember any of this." Katherine compelled the human. Then the human left.

Then they were alone, well not really since they were many of vampires and humans surrounded by them, but to them they were alone. Their bodies started to move closer, it felt like they couldn't control it. They had gotten so close there were no more room left. The music faded. Their lips hovered over each other's. Caroline felt Katherine's hot breath on her face, it smelt like blood and vodka. Katherine felt Caroline's too. Katherine leaned in, and so did Caroline. But just then when they were about to kiss, Caroline turned her head. "No," Caroline said kind of doubting it. It grew awkward  for a while. "Wanna go back to the school?" Katherine said nervously. Caroline cleared her throat. "Yeah," she said awkwardly.

Once they got into Katherine's dorm. "Okay, what was that?" Katherine asked directly. "What was what?" Caroline acted as if she didn't know what Katherine was talking about. "Us, us almost kissing," Katherine answered. "It was nothing," Caroline said knowing she was lying. "Caroline, cut the act you know what I'm mean," Katherine said frustrated. "Fine, fine. You wanna know what that was, it was a mistake, just like our hookup!" Caroline yelled. Katherine face looked hurt. "I'm.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Caroline said calmly. "Let's just go to bed," Katherine said regretting she even asked in the first place. "Yeah," Caroline agreed.

They changed into their bra and panties, they were too tired to put on pajamas. "But, where am I going to sleep?" Caroline asked. Katherine had a single dorm. "You can sleep with me if that's not too awkward for you," Katherine said sassy. "It's not." Caroline said. Caroline got into the bed with Katherine. They were turned away from each other, but both wanted to get closer. 

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