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Hi! So, this story will be a month after chapter 13, so here's what have happened during that month: Katherine and Caroline are still friends with benefits, Caroline has her own dorm now, Caroline and Elena are slowing rebuilding their friendship, Katherine and Elena still don't trust each other, and Bonnie and Katherine are becoming friends... so let's get to it!

Caroline's POV: 

Me and Katherine have been doing this for a month, and I couldn't feel happier, but I think I'm ready to start a relationship, but I don't know how Katherine feels. What if I tell her how I feel and she wants to stop whats going on? I know I told her that I don't want a relationship but I think, no, I know, I want more than just sleeping with her without any attachments. I hate that agreement now, because I don't want her as a friend anymore. I honestly wish I'd never made that arrangement for me to have my own dorm, I miss sharing one with Katherine. 

Just as I was thinking this, the woman who was just on my mind walked in. "Hey!" I said trying to act enthusiastic. "Wow, what happened?" Katherine asked sitting down next to me and , obviously not buying my act. "Nothing, I'm just having a long day." I answered. "It's only 12:00 pm, what could've possibly happened?" She asked curiously. I sometimes hate how she needs to know everything. "I just have a bunch of work, I need to do." I said visibly lying, I'm not ready to tell her I have feelings for her.  "Well maybe I could cheer you up." She said smirking, before kissing me, not too soft, but not too passionate. I kissed her back and got into her lap. She began to unbutton my shirt and kiss my neck and my chest as she takes the shirt off. While she was doing this, Bonnie walked in. 

We heard the door open and I quickly got off of Katherine, picked my shirt up from off the ground, and buttoned it back up. Katherine got up and said,"This better be good Bennett!" Katherine said jokingly but kinda angry. I loved how her and Bonnie are always throwing insults at each other. Bonnie rolled her eyes at Katherine's comment. "I came in here for Caroline's help, but you can help too." Bonnie snarled while glaring a look at Katherine, Katherine doing the same. What is it Bonnie?" I asked intrigued. "I have a date tonight  and I need some help to find what to wear." Katherine rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth, finding this pointless and wanting to get back to what we was doing. I gave Katherine a "behave!" look, and then she looked down innocently. "Ooh, who is he?" I asked. "SHE is a beautiful girl named Olivia, with honey tanned skin, brown eyes, long brown hair, and has the best style." Bonnie started to gaze, I could tell this girl had to be pretty. I'd never seen Bonnie with a girl, I knew she liked them but she hasn't dated one, this made me more excited for this date. "Isn't this your first date with a girl?" I asked enthusiastically. "Yeah it is." Bonnie said nervously. "Do you have any pictures of her?" Katherine asked. "Yeah, she gave me her insta." Bonnie answered.

This is Olivia:  

Bonnie shows us a picture of her

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Bonnie shows us a picture of her. "Oh my god, Bonnie she's gorgeous!" I exclaimed. Katherine looked at me in what felt like jealousy, I tried my best not to make eye contact with her. "Thanks Caroline, I can't wait for our date."Bonnie said with a huge grin, I haven't seen her this happy in a while, I've always loved to see her happy. "Wanna go to the mall?" Bonnie asked. I looked at my phone, it said 12:55pm, my next class was at 1pm. "I have my bio class in 5 minutes maybe at 2?" I asked. "Sure, I can do 2." Bonnie answered. "Me too." Katherine muttered. Bonnie left the dorm after saying her goodbyes. 

"What was that about?" I asked. "Nothing, Care." She answered unconvincingly. "Are you jealous?" I teased. "No." Katherine blushed. "Oh my god, you are!" I teased even more. "I'm not! I just don't trust that Olivia girl." Katherine admitted. "And why is that?" I asked. "Don't you have class or something, why are you interviewing me?" Katherine exclaimed. "You're right, I have a few things I need to get before I leave, wanna walk me?" I said before looking her up and down, examining my "friend". "Sure, I could walk you, but I want to do this first." Katherine said smirking, I looked at her confused, but that face didn't last as she kissed me passionately. "Let's go to class." She smirked, as I was still in shocked by the kiss. Katherine walked to the door and opened it. "Are you coming?" Katherine asked jokingly. I blushed, then, picked my books up and walked out the door.

1:30 pm

Since this bio class is so boring, I decided to text Katherine.

Caroline💕😩: why don't you like Olivia?

Katherine🥵😒: ugh, we're still talking abt this?!

Caroline💕😩: yes, i want to know why

Katherine🥵😒: fine, yk what i was jealous

Caroline💕😩: why tho? all i said was that she was gorgeous, plus she's bonnie's date, not mine 

Katherine🥵😒: i get that, but would you've slept with her if you met her first? 

Caroline💕😩: idk but it's too late for that isn't it?

Katherine left me on read after that text message. I shamefully blushed at the fact that Katherine was jealous. I put my phone away and started to actually listen to what the teacher had to say, it was pointless. I looked at the around and saw Elena. I put on a short smile and waved a little. She waved effortlessly. I wondered if she read my text messages with Katherine. 


I got up to leave my class, when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I jumped and looked behind me. It was Elena. "Hey." Elena said relieved that she had caught up to me. "Hi." I said a little higher than my regular voice. "Wanna hang out later?" Elena asked. "Sure, what time?" I asked. "Umm, how is 5:00pm?" Elena asked. "Yeah, I can do five, but I have to go right now. It was nice seeing you!" I said before leaving the classroom. After I left the classroom, I went to Katherine's dorm. "Hey Katherine, ready to go meet up with Bonnie to go to the mall?" I asked. "Yeah." Katherine muttered. "Katherine, you're not going to ruin Bonnie's day, okay! Not everything is going to be about us!" I declared. "Fine." Katherine said under her breath. She then looked me up and down,  smirking. "Now, let's go." I said, shamefully blushing. 

Author's POV: 

Katherine and Caroline met up with Bonnie, and they went to the mall. After many stores they finally chose an outfit. It's was a green corset top, with a green sweater, blue jeans, and black boots.

"Bonnie It looks so good on you! You have to buy it!" Caroline exclaimed after Bonnie stepped out of the dressing room

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"Bonnie It looks so good on you! You have to buy it!" Caroline exclaimed after Bonnie stepped out of the dressing room. "Thanks, Care. I really like it." Bonnie said with a smile. Katherine wasn't really paying attention, she was just on her phone. "Katherine, what do you think?" Caroline said to make Katherine pay attention. Katherine quickly put her phone down and looked at Bonnie. "It looks great Bonnie." Katherine said after clearing her throat. "Okay, let's buy it!" Caroline exclaimed. After Bonnie changed into her previous clothes, they bought the outfit and went to the food court. After eating, they left and went back to the college. Caroline then looked at the time on her phone, 4:50pm, it read. "Hey, sorry but I have to go meet up with Elena. Bye guys, Bonnie, I hope you have a great time on your date with Olivia!" Caroline said before leaving the two. 

"Elena?" Katherine said disgusted. "Yeah, you know they're becoming friends again." Bonnie said before looking at Katherine's facial expression, which wasn't great. "Or you maybe you didn't know." Bonnie said kinda feeling sorry for Katherine. "Well, wanna go get ice cream?" Bonnie asked trying to cheer her up. Katherine grew a smile on her face, know what the witch was doing. "Sure, but what's the time for your date." Katherine said not wanting to be the reason that Bonnie's late for her date. "7:00, we have plenty of time." Bonnie reassured.  

AN: Hey everyone! I really like this chapter hopefully y'all do too. I'll try to update soon!

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