30. Coumarine City Festival

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A.N.: You expected special type of name for this chapter? Sorry, but I couldn't think of anything and I think this is best that is not CRINGE. Hope you enjoy :D

Also a big time jump, but yet again, I would probably just copy the episodes

"So what is this called?" Ash asked as they all arrived into Coumarine city, which was wildly live. Many people were out with shopping bags and walked around, decorating and mainly the gigantic on top of a hill in which Ash had his gym battle with Ramos, which he won. Ramos told them it would be good to make sure to come and they were only waiting for Serena's first showcase in pokemon center.

"Well the name is not somehow original. Just a COUMARINE CITY FESTIVAL!" Bonnie waved her hands to make it more cool, but she also laughed.

"Yup, the festival to increase friendship and bond with pokemon. It is something like Christmas in July." Serena laughed, but paused as she thought about something.

"So how about we try to go buy something for our pokemon?" Clemont suggested and Bonnie nodded. 

"Yeah and I could stay here, you know, get to know all pokemon and you know, you can get them all surprise." Bonnie said with excitement and everyone looked at each other with agreement. And after a while, sending out all pokemon. Ash's Pikachu, Frogadier, Hawlucha, Lucario, Fletchinder and Goomy. Serena let out Fennekin, Ralts and newly caught Pancham and Clemont let out Bunnelby, Chespin and Luxio.

As everyone was starting to leave and let Bonnie take care of all pokemon, Ash pulled from pocket one pokeball. "Catch Bonnie!" Bonnie looked at him surprised as he walked out to Serena and Clemont only to see flying pokeball almost hitting her in face.

Bonnie caught the pokeball and looked it with confuse, but before she could ask, Ash was already gone. She threw the pokeball to reveal small pokemon looking like teddy bear, which eyes shined when it saw younger sibling. "Teddiursa!"¨

"So I am gonna see what I can do, see you later guys!" Clemont said as he walked away with thoughts about what to do. Serena smiled as she looked to Ash.

"So do you know what to get your pokemon?" Ash asked as he was looking down to Serena and she reacted by nodding.

"I think so, not sure if I am gonna find it and I will have to get into the center. What about you?" 

"Me? I am gonna tag along with you." this made Serena surprised as they didn't have any free alone time to talk. Ashe smiled and nodded.

"So how about we take a monorail?"


"Do you want to help out again Ash?" Cilan asked as they were standing over a camp fire. As always, he had combed hair with a few strands up symmetrically infront and his green eyes to the fire. He wore his normal clothing, which was black shirt with two yellow buttons and a white long-sleeved shirt underneath and all it ended black trousers and brown lacing shoes. Ash smiled as another way to help his friend. Ash was about to cut vegetables, but Cilan shook his head and took the knife. "I want you spice it up this time." Ash looked at him not sure.

"Not a good idea Cilan. After all, last time it got a little bit more sweet that soup."  Iris said as she walked up to them. Unlike Cilan, she wasn't dressed formally as Cilan. She wore long and very thick hair which were let loose and top of her head into two buns tied with yellow rubber bands. Her loosened cream-colored top with pink ended sleeves and around her waist pink skirt, tied in bow on left front side. Under this, she wore white leggings that were colored yellow at the ends, and pink and white shoes with yellow straps. Her brown eyes looked at the current situation with amusement.

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