48. Control

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2 years ago

People in black suits sat sat silently, as they watched how others gave their good byes to the person inside the coffin. They were crying for their lost and even more because the body was in such bad state, it was almost impossible to recognise.

Ash watched older pair walked up to the coffin, the woman crying over her lost son and her husband held her, giving some strenght he had. Behind them stood their sons, their red and blue hair being most visible between each of the members of the funeral. Blue hair held his face still, but feeling sad for his brother. The other was was feeling the same, but also angry.

Ash looked to his side, seeing how his friend Iris was slowly sitting down with patch over her jawline. She just gave her last good bye. They didn't talk to each other since their friend died and none of them mind. Iris still held grudge about what Ash said, but it wasn't the reason for not talking to him. 

Ash looked back to the coffin, seeing that the family has finally walked away, sitting back to theirs seats. And so he could now. He needed to say good bye, but he knew he didn't deserve to be one of the first people saying the good bye. He reached the coffin, seeing how the body was in black suit, covering most of the burns it had. 

"Kalos is a beautiful reagon? I-I don't know what to tell you Cilan. I know I will miss you and that I thank you for saving me." Ash said, before giving him a slight smile. "You always surprised me and I did you. I guess it was mutual." Ash clenched his fist. "I will avenge you Cilan. They will pay." After that, he sat down, not noticing the glare he received.

When that all was done, Cress stood up again and walking next to coffin. Taking a deap breath. "My brother was always special to everyone in some ways. And even though it is sad, I think he would see the better side of it. Because that is what Cilan was, is and will be. His wish a being burried here, in Kalos, is mine main reason to think about it." when everyone learned about Cilan's death, even more suprised them was that his wish was to be burried in Kalos in Laverre town. Those few, who looked around, could see it was beautiful town. "So I don't want to think of the reason of why this all happened, but I wanna think of what everything he would tell us about this. So please, I ask for moment of silence for you to think of what he would tell you about this."

Everyone sat silently, some closed their eyes and Ash thought about anything until the words popped out.

'Even in the darkest times, there is light to guide you through.'

After that, Ash had to do one thing he thought he would never do in his entire life. But now, here it was. He, Chilly, Cress and their father stood up and walked up to coffin, both at each corner. They gave each other only slight nod before lifting it up slowly walking out through opened door. The people slowly followed, as they carried the coffin.

Ash let his mind clear for this moment, only to think how he carried his friend to his final place for rest. Before he could think even more, he saw the the hole.

A few hours later

"Wow, this will get me some money before I have to close this pub" bartender said, as he gave the glass of alcohol to Ash. Ash looked at it, only for mere second thinking about how alcohol isn't good to drink, but also hearing Gary's voice.

"Take this and drink something. You need it."

Ash drank the alcohol, feeling the bitterness and alcohol going down. he looked at the card Gary gave him, with which he could take this.

"I didn't expect so many young people, but after some girl appeared here out of nowhere, I don't think things can surprise me." said the barman, preparing another drinks.

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